Varmformning av lättviktsdetalj med variabel plåttjocklek för bi-metallisk struktur

Project idea

This post-doc project will develop a unique hot forming process of a tailored bi-metallic component for GKN. Research activities are required within coupled FE-analyses of a manufacturing process chain consisting of tailored blank, hot forming and welding to compensate for accumulated shape distortions. With previous research at RISE IVF and LTU as a base, the tailored blank is added to the manufacturing process chain. By building a new hot forming tool at the SME Ryd-Verken, the numerical and experimental results, of the hot forming procedure performed at 950°C, can accurately be compared. SMEs MagComp contribute with knowledge on inductive heating of the forming tooling and LaserTool assist with geometry assurance according to the aerospace requirements.

GKN will implement the virtual compensation methodology to minimize costly compensation loops of fabricated engine structures and seek to receive hot formed components from the Swedish aerospace approved sub-supplier Ryd-Verken, within five years. Ryd-Verken will take new technology steps during the project and study the business case of hot forming to quote production after the project end. Studies of e.g. low cycle fatigue properties and defects in fabricated lightweight bi-metallic components can be incorporated in a future research application.


Project Contribution to the LIGHTer Program Goals

The results obtained from the project will, after implementation in five years at GKN and SME, reach ≥20% shorter development time and reduce weight by ≥20% by combining different material states and alloys while improving product properties through innovative hot forming procedures for tailored lightweight parts. Starting from TRL 4 this project will take the technology to TRL 6 by exploring the possibilities for hot forming of lightweight materials by means of CAE-tools. A hot forming tool is built, and demonstrator parts are manufactured in which the need for manual compensations are minimized, straightening the way to industry implementation. The project results can benefit other industry segments such as the marine (e.g. ship impellers) and land-based turbine industry, automotive, energy and nuclear industry. A general hot forming tool will be built that also are made available to the industry in Sweden through the test bed facilities within “LIGHTest” at RISE and results will be incorporated in a LIGHTer PhD course. It is very likely that Rydverken and MagComp will increase and apply their expertise for lightweight design in other areas over the next five years.

Project partners

GKN Aerospace Sweden 
Ryd-Verken AB
LaserTool in Blekinge AB
MagComp AB

Delfinansieras av Vinnova

01 Sep - 2019


30 Aug - 2021


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