About LIGHTer PhD Network
The LIGHTer PhD Network is unique. Through the network, PhD-students early establish and keep contact with others in the same situation with similar interests. The network is in close collaboration with both LIGHTer Academy and the industry, which gives exceptional access to interdisciplinary competencies.
LIGHTer PhD Network organises recurring seminars, meetings and technical forums for discussion. The network contributes with a coordinated offer of relevant PhD courses, as well as offer on course about lightweight on their own.
The network is open for all PhD students working with relevant lightweight research, as long as they are registered at a Swedish university. Currently there are approximately 120 registered students in the network. The full list of members in the network as well as their contact information is available below.
The network was established/created in 2014, and the first PhD students have now becom alumni. The host of the LIGHTer PhD Network is Luleå Technical University, which is responsible for the operation and development together with Chalmers University of Technology and the Royal Insititute of Technology.