
From Licentiate theses to conference contributions.
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Hryha, E., Nyborg, L., "Thermogravimetry study of the effectiveness of different reducing agents during sintering of Cr-prealloyed PM steels"
(2014) Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 118 (2), pp. 825-834.
Hryha, E., Borgström, H., Sterky, K., Nyborg, L., "Influence of the steel powder type and processing parameters on the debinding of PM compacts with gelatin binder"
(2014) Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 118 (2), pp. 695-704.
Hryha, E., Nyborg, L., "Effectiveness of reducing agents during sintering of Cr-prealloyed PM steels"
(2014) Powder Metallurgy, 57 (4), pp. 245-250.
Hryha, E., Nyborg, L., "Microstructure development in powder metallurgy steels: Effect of alloying elements and process variables"
(2014) Materials Science Forum, 782, pp. 467-472.
Hryha, E., Nyborg, L., "Oxide transformation in Cr-Mn-prealloyed sintered steels: Thermodynamic and kinetic aspects"
(2014) Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 45 (4), pp. 1736-1747.
Tahir, M.W., Hallström, S., Åkermo, M.
"Effect of dual scale porosity on the overall permeability of fibrous structures"
(2014) Composites Science and Technology, 103, pp. 56-62.
Jerpdal, L., Åkermo, M.
"Influence of fibre shrinkage and stretching on the mechanical properties of self-reinforced poly(ethylene terephthalate) composite"
(2014) Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 33 (17), pp. 1644-1655.
Larberg, Y., Åkermo, M.
"In-plane deformation of multi-layered unidirectional thermoset prepreg - Modelling and experimental verification"
(2014) Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 56, pp. 203-212.
C. Oikonomou, R. Oro, E. Hryha, L. Nyborg: "Effect of heat treatment in air on surface composition of iron-phosphate based soft magnetic composite components”, Materials Science and Engineering: B, 2014, Vol. 189, pp. 90-99, ISSN: 0921-5107,, CPL: 205750.
C. Oikonomou, D. Nikas, E. Hryha, L. Nyborg: "Evaluation of the thickness and roughness of homogeneous surface layers on spherical and irregular powder particles”, Surface and Interface Analysis, 2014, Vol.46, No.10-11, pp. 1028-1032, ISSN: 1096-9918, DOI: 10.1002/sia.5439. CPL: 196093.
E. Hryha, L. Nyborg: “Effectiveness of Reducing Agents During Sintering of Cr-prealloyed PM Steels”, Powder Metallurgy, 2014, Vol. 57, No.4, pp.245-250, ISSN: 0032-5899, Online ISSN: 1743-2901, DOI:, CPL:205600.
R. Oro, E. Hryha, M. Campos, J.M. Torralba: “Effect of processing conditions on microstructural features in Mn–Si sintered steels”, Materials Characterisation, 2014, Vol. 95, pp.105-117, ISSN: 1044-5803, DOI: 10.1016/j.matchar.2014.06.011,, CPL: 204574.
E. Hryha: “Application of Fractography for Investigation of Surface Oxide Reduction/Transformation and Inter-Particle Necks Formation During Sintering of Prealloyed with Cr and Mn PM Steels”, Powder Metallurgy Progress, 2014, Vol. 14, No.1, pp. 24-31, ISSN: 1335-8987 (print), ISSN: 1335-4533 (online) , , CPL: 205601.
M. Vattur Sundaram, E. Hryha, L. Nyborg: “XPS Analysis of Oxide Transformation During Sintering of Chromium Alloyed PM Steels”, Powder Metallurgy Progress, 2014, Vol. 14, No.2, pp.85-92, ISSN: 1335-8987 (print), ISSN: 1335-4533 (online) ,, CPL: 205526.
M. Vattur Sundaram, H. Karlsson, K.B. Surredi, E. Hryha, M. Andersson, G. Åkerström, L. Nyborg: “Investigation of Low Temperature Creep Behaviour of PM Steels”, Powder Metallurgy Progress, 2014, Vol. 14, No.2, pp.67-72, ISSN: 1335-8987 (print), ISSN: 1335-4533 (online) , , CPL: 205525.
R. Shvab, E. Hryha, P. Shykula, O. Bergman, S. Bengtsson, E. Dudrova: “Prediction, Formation and Analysis of Microstructure of High Chromium-Alloyed PM Stainless Steel Sintered in Different Atmospheres”, Powder Metallurgy Progress, 2014, Vol. 14, No.2, pp. 99-107, ISSN: 1335-8987 (print), ISSN: 1335-4533 (online) , , CPL: 205524.
E. Hryha, L. Nyborg: ”Thermogravimetry Study of the Effectiveness of Different Reducing Agents during Sintering of Cr-prealloyed PM Steels”, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2014, Vol.118, No.2, pp. 825-834, ISSN: 1388-6150, DOI 10.1007/s10973-014-3915-z. CPL: 205613.
E. Hryha, H. Borgström, K. Sterky, L. Nyborg: ”Influence of the Steel Powder Type and Processing Parameters on the Debinding of PM Compacts with Gelatin Binder”, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2014, Vol.118, No.2, pp. 695-704, ISSN: 1388-6150, DOI 10.1007/s10973-014-3839-7. CPL: 205615.
E. Hryha, E. Rutqvist, J. Björkvall, L. Nyborg: "Development of methodology for surface characterization of vanadium containing slag”, Surface and Interface Analysis, 2014, Vol.46, No.10-11, pp. 984-988, ISSN: 1096-9918, DOI 10.1002/sia.5363. CPL: 205616.
E. Hryha, L. Nyborg: “Microstructure Development in Powder Metallurgy Steels: Effect of Alloying Elements and Process Variables”, Materials Science Forum, ISSN: 1662-9752, 2014, Vol.782, pp. 467-472, DOI: 10.4028/, CPL: 201831.
R. Shvab, E. Hryha, P. Shykula, E. Dudrova, O. Bergman, S. Bengtsson: “Microstructure of High Cr-Alloyed Sintered Steel – Prediction and Analysis”, Materials Science Forum, ISSN: 1662-9752, 2014, Vol.782, pp. 473-479, DOI: 10.4028/, CPL: 205617.
E. Hryha, L. Nyborg: "Oxide Transformation in Cr-Mn-Prealloyed Sintered Steels: Thermodynamic and Kinetic Aspects”, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2014, Vol. 45, No. 4, pp. 1736-1747, ISSN: 1073-5623 (print), ISSN: 1543-1940 (online), DOI: 10.1007/s11661-013-1969-3, CPL: 197560.
Mårtensson P., Zenkert D., and Åkermo M., "Integral versus differential design for high-volume manufacturing of composite structures", Journal of Composite Materials, Vol 49 (23), 2015, pp 2897-2908 (open access)
Schneider C., Kazemahvazi S., Zenkert D. and Deshpande V.S., "Dynamic compression response of self-reinforced poly(ethylene terephthalate) composites and corrugated sandwich cores", Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, Vol 77, 2015, pp 96-105 (open access)
Poulikidou S., Schneider C., Kazemahvazi S., Wennhage P., Björklund A. and Zenkert D., "A material selection approach to evaluate material substitution for minimizing the life cycle environmental impact of vehicles", Materials & Design, Vol 83, 2015, pp 704-712 (open access)
Jacques E., Lindbergh G., Zenkert D., Leijonmarck S., Hellqvist Kjell M., "Piezo-Electrochemical Energy Harvesting with Lithium-Intercalating Carbon Fibres”, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, Vol 7 (25), 2015, pp 13898–13904 (open access)
Mårtensson P., Zenkert D., and Åkermo M., “Effects of manufacturing constraints on the cost and weight efficiency of integral and differential automotive composite structures”, Composite Structures, Vol 134, 2015, pp 572-578 (open access)
Greenhalgh E.S., Ankersen J., Asp L.E., Bismarck A., Fontana Q., Houlle M., Kalinka G., Mistry M., Nguyen S., Qian H., Shaffer M.S.P., Shirshova N., Kucernack A. Steinke J., Weinrich M. Mechanical, electrical and microstructural characterisation of multifunctional structural power composites, Journal of Composite Materials, Vol. 49 (15), 2015, pp. 1823-1834. 10.1177/0021998314554125.
Angseryd J., Liu F. and Andrén H.-O., ”Nanostructure of a cubic BN cutting tool material”
International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, Vol. 49, 2015, pp 283-287
Liu F., Halvarsson M., Hellström K., Svensson J.-E. and Johansson L.-G., ”First three-dimensional atomic resolution investigation of thermally grown oxide on a FeCrAl alloy”
Oxidation of metals, Vol. 83, 2015, pp 441-451.
Brouzoulis J., Fagerström M. “An enriched shell element formulation for efficient modeling of multiple delamination propagation in laminates”, Composite Structures, Vol 126, 2015, pp. 196-206.
Karamchedu, S., Hryha, E., Nyborg, L., "Lean Atmospheres for Sintering of Chromium Alloyed Powder Metallurgy Steels"
(2015) Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 98 (11), pp. 3588-3595.
Hryha, E., Karamchedu, S., Riabov, D., Nyborg, L., Berg, S.,"Effect of Active Components of Sintering Atmosphere on Reduction/Oxidation Processes during Sintering of Cr-Alloyed PM Steels"
(2015) Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 98 (11), pp. 3561-3568.
Karamchedu, S., Hryha, E., Nyborg, L., "Changes in the surface chemistry of chromium-alloyed powder metallurgical steel during delubrication and their impact on sintering"
(2015) Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 223, pp. 171-185.
Hryha, E., Nyborg, L., Alzati, L., "Dissolution of carbon in Cr-prealloyed PM steels: Effect of carbon source (2015) Powder Metallurgy, 58 (1), pp. 7-11."
Esmaily, M., Shahabi-Navid, M., Svensson, J.-E., Halvarsson, M., Nyborg, L., Cao, Y., Johansson, L.-G., "Influence of temperature on the atmospheric corrosion of the Mg-Al alloy AM50"
(2015) Corrosion Science, 90, pp. 420-433.
Lefor, K., Walter, M., Weddeling, A., Hryha, E., Huth, S., Weber, S., Nyborg, L., Theisen, W.,
"Influence of the PM-Processing Route and Nitrogen Content on the Properties of Ni-Free Austenitic Stainless Steel"
(2015) Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 46 (3), pp. 1154-1167.
Esmaily, M., Mortazavi, N., Shahabi-Navid, M., Svensson, J.E., Halvarsson, M., Nyborg, L., Wessén, M., Jarfors, A.E.W., Johansson, L.G., "Effect of rheocasting on corrosion of AM50 Mg alloy"
(2015) Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 162 (3), pp. C85-C95.
Wedberg, D. and Lindgren, L-E, "Modelling flow stress of AISI 316L at high strain rates"
Mechanics of Materials, Vol 91, pp. 194-207, 2015.
Wedberg, D. and Lindgren, L-E,
"Modelling flow stress of AISI 316L at high strain rates"
Mechanics of Materials, Vol 91, pp. 194-207, 2015.
Mårtensson, P., Zenkert, D., Åkermo, M.
"Effects of manufacturing constraints on the cost and weight efficiency of integral and differential automotive composite structures" (2015) Composite Structures, 134, pp. 572-578.
Hallander, P., Sjölander, J., Åkermo, M.
"Forming induced wrinkling of composite laminates with mixed ply material properties; an experimental study" (2015) Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 78, art. no. 4032, pp. 234-245.
Tahir, M.W., Stig, F., Åkermo, M., Hallström, S.
"A numerical study of the influence from architecture on the permeability of 3D-woven fibre reinforcement"
(2015) Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 74, pp. 18-25.
Hagnell, M.K., Åkermo, M.
"A composite cost model for the aeronautical industry: Methodology and case study" (2015) Composites Part B: Engineering, 79, pp. 254-261.
Hagnell, M.K., Åkermo, M.
"Cost and weight efficient assembly of aeronautical composite structures"
(2015) ICCM International Conferences on Composite Materials, 2015-July, .
Hagnell, M.K., Åkermo, M.
"Cost modelling of composite structures"
(2015) JEC Composites Magazine, 52 (96), pp. 28-29.
Hallander, P., Sjölander, J., Åkermo, M.
"Effects on forming when using aligned multi wall carbon nanotubes in multi-stacked prepreg"
(2015) ICCM International Conferences on Composite Materials, 2015-July, .
Mårtensson, P., Zenkert, D., Åkermo, M.
"The effects of cost and weight efficient structural design for manufacturing of composite automotive body structures"
Mårtensson, P., Zenkert, D., Åkermo, M.
"Integral versus differential design for high-volume manufacturing of composite structures
(2015) Journal of Composite Materials, 49 (23), pp. 2897-2908.
Stig, F., Tahir, M.W., Åkermo, M., Hallström, S.
"An experimental study of the influence from fibre architecture on the permeability of 3D-woven textiles"
(2015) Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 34 (17), pp. 1444-1453.
E. Hryha, S. Karamchedu, D. Riabov, L. Nyborg, S. Berg: "Effect of Active Components of Sintering Atmosphere on Reduction/Oxidation Processes During Sintering of Cr-Alloyed PM Steels”, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2015, Vol. 98, No.11, pp. 3561–3568, ISSN: 0002-7820, E-ISSN: 1551-2916, DOI: 10.1111/jace.13607, CPL: 220050.
S. Karamchedu, E. Hryha, L. Nyborg: "Lean Atmospheres for Sintering of Chromium Alloyed Powder Metallurgy Steels”, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2015, Vol. 98, No.11, pp. 3588–3595, ISSN: 0002-7820, E-ISSN: 1551-2916, DOI: 10.1111/jace.13617, CPL: 220051.
E. Hryha, L. Nyborg: ”Thermodynamic and Kinetic Aspects of Oxide Transformation during Sintering of Cr-alloyed PM Steels”, International Journal of Powder Metallurgy, 2015, Vol.51, No.3, pp.35-46, ISSN: 0888-7462, CPL: 229400.
C. Gierl-Mayer, H. Danninger, R. Oro Calderon, E. Hryha: ”Internal Gettering” – Metallothermic Reduction Processes in the Early Stage of Sintering”, International Journal of Powder Metallurgy, 2015, Vol.51, No.3, pp.47-53, ISSN: 0888-7462, CPL:229401.
R. Bidulsky, J. Bidulska, R. De Oro, E. Hryha, M. Maccarini, I. Forno, M. Actis Grande: "Interparticle Neck Connections in Innovative Insulated Iron Powder Compounds”, Act Physica Polonica A, 2015, Vol. 128, No.4, pp. 647-650, E-ISSN: 1898-794X, ISSN: 0587-4246, DOI:, CPL: 229402.
E. Hryha, L. Nyborg, L. Alzati: "Dissolution of carbon in Cr-prealloyed PM steels: effect of carbon source”, Powder Metallurgy, 2015, Vol. 58, No1, pp.7-11, ISSN: 0032-5899, E-ISSN: 1743-2901, DOI 10.1179/0032589914Z.000000000191, CPL: 220676.
S. Karamchedu, E. Hryha, L. Nyborg: "Changes in the surface chemistry of chromium-alloyed powder metallurgical steel during delubrication and their impact on sintering”, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2015, Vol. 223, pp.17-185, ISSN: 0924-0136, , CPL: 219455.
A. Weddeling, K. Leifor, E. Hryha, S. Huth, S. Weber, L. Nyborg, and W. Theisen: "Nitrogen uptake of nickel free austenitic stainless steel powder during heat treatment-an XPS study”, Surface and Interface Analysis, 2015, Vol. 47, No. 3, pp. 413-422, ISSN: 0142-2421, DOI: 10.1002/sia.5730, CPL: 214366.
K. Leifor, M. Walter, A. Weddeling, E. Hryha, S. Huth, S. Weber, L. Nyborg, and W. Theisen: "Influence of the PM-Processing Route and Nitrogen Content on the Properties of Ni-Free Austenitic Stainless Steel”, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2015, Vol. 46A, No. 3, pp. 1154-1167, ISSN: 1073-5623 (print), ISSN: 1543-1940 (online), DOI: 10.1007/s11661-014-2701-7, CPL: 216004.
Mårtensson P., Zenkert D., and Åkermo M., "Method for the cost-efficient and weight-efficient material diversity and partitioning of a carbon fibre composite body structure", accepted Proc. IMechE Part D: J. Automobile Engineering, Vol 230(1), 2016, pp 49–60 (open access)
Schneider C., Kazemahvazi S., Zenkert D. and Deshpande V.S., " Bending energy absorption of self-reinforced poly(ethyleneterephthalate) composite sandwich beams”, Composite Structures, Vol 140, 2016, pp 582-589 (open access)
Schneider C., Kazemahvazi S., Russel B.P., Zenkert D. and Deshpande V.S., "Impact response of ductile self-reinforced composite corrugated sandwich beams”, Composites Part B: Engineering, Vol 99, 2016, pp 121-131 (open access)
Molker H, Wilhelmsson D, Gutkin R, Asp LE. Orthotropic criteria for transverse failure of non-crimp fabric reinforced composites, Journal of Composite Materials, Vol. 50 (18), 2016, pp. 2445-2458. 10.1177/0021998315605877.
Bachinger A, Rössler J, Asp L.E. Electrocoating of carbon fibres at ambient conditions. Composites Part B: Engineering, Vol. 91, 2016, pp. 94-102.
Liu F., Rashidi M., Johansson L., Hald J., Andrén H.-O., ” A new 12% chromium steel strengthened by Z-phase precipitates”, Scripta Materialia, Vol. 113, 2016, pp 93-96.
Liu F., Rashidi M., Hald J., Reißig L., and Andrén H.-O., “Microstructure of Z-phase strengthened martensitic steels: meeting the 650°C challenge”, Materials Science Forum, Vol. 879, 2016, pp 1147-1152.
Li S., Wang Y., Dai X., Liu F., Li J., Wang X. “Evaluation of hardening behaviours in ion-irradiated Fe-9Cr and Fe-20Cr alloys by nanoindentation technique”
Journal of Nuclear Materials, Vol. 478, 2016, pp 50-55.
Tuzi S., Göransson K., Rahman S. M. H., Eriksson S. G., Liu F., Thuvander M., Stiller K., ” Oxide evolution of alloy X-750 in simulated BWR environment”
Journal of Nuclear Materials, Vol. 482, 2016, pp 19-27.
Svenning E., Fagerström M., Larsson F. “Computational homogenization of microfractured continua using weakly periodic boundary conditions”, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol 299, 2016, pp. 1-21.
Svenning E., Fagerström M.; Larsson F. “On computational homogenization of microscale crack propagation”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol 108, 2016, pp. 76-90.
Brouzoulis J, Fagerström M., Svenning E. “An enriched shell element formulation for modeling of inter- and intralaminar crack propagation in laminates”, Composite Structures, Vol 136, 2016, pp. 616-625.
Främby J., Brouzoulis J., Fagerström M. “Assessment of two methods for the accurate prediction of transverse stress distributions in laminates”, Composite Structures, Vol 140, 2016, pp. 602-611.
Mostofizadeh S., Fagerström M., Larsson R. “XFEM based element subscale refinement for detailed representation of crack propagation in large scale analyses”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol 110, 2016, pp 549-572.
Malakizadi, A., Gruber, H., Sadik, I., Nyborg, L.,"An FEM-based approach for tool wear estimation in machining" (2016) Wear, 368-369, pp. 10-24.
Hryha, E., Shvab, R., Bram, M., Bitzer, M., Nyborg, L., "Surface chemical state of Ti powders and its alloys: Effect of storage conditions and alloy composition"
(2016) Applied Surface Science, 388, pp. 294-303.
Suska, F., Kjeller, G., Tarnow, P., Hryha, E., Nyborg, L., Snis, A., Palmquist, A., "Electron Beam Melting Manufacturing Technology for Individually Manufactured Jaw Prosthesis: A Case Report"
(2016) Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 74 (8), pp. 1706.e1-1706.e15.
Sadik, M.I., Isakson, S., Malakizadi, A., Nyborg, L., "Influence of Coolant Flow Rate on Tool Life and Wear Development in Cryogenic and Wet Milling of Ti-6Al-4V"
(2016) Procedia CIRP, 46, pp. 91-94.
Malakizadi, A., Cedergren, S., Sadik, I., Nyborg, L., "Inverse identification of flow stress in metal cutting process using Response Surface Methodology"
(2016) Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 60, pp. 40-53.
Malakizadi, A., Hosseinkhani, K., Mariano, E., Ng, E., Del Prete, A., Nyborg, L., "Influence of friction models on FE simulation results of orthogonal cutting process" (2016) International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 88 (9-12), pp. 3217-3232.
Lindgren, L-E, Svoboda, A, Wedberg, D and Lundblad, M, "Towards predictive simulations of machining"
Comptes Rendus – Mecanique. Vol 344, pp. 284-295, 2016.
Lindgren, L-E, Lundbäck, A, Fisk, M, Pederson, R, and Andersson, J
"Simulation of additive manufacturing using coupled constitutive and microstructure models"
Additive Manufacturing, Vol 10, pp. 144-158, 2016.
Lindgren, L-E, Svoboda, A, Wedberg, D and Lundblad, M,
"Towards predictive simulations of machining"
Comptes Rendus – Mecanique. Vol 344, pp. 284-295, 2016.
Lindgren, L-E, Lundbäck, A, Fisk, M, Pederson, R, and Andersson, J
"Simulation of additive manufacturing using coupled constitutive and microstructure models"
Additive Manufacturing, Vol 10, pp. 144-158, 2016.
Mellin, P., Jönsson, C., Åkermo, M., Fernberg, P., Nordenberg, E., Brodin, H., Strondl, A.
"Nano-sized by-products from metal 3D printing, composite manufacturing and fabric production"
(2016) Journal of Cleaner Production, 139, pp. 1224-1233.
Jerpdal, L., Ståhlberg, D., Åkermo, M.
"Influence of fibre stretching on the microstructure of self-reinforced poly(ethylene terephthalate) composite" (2016) Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 35 (22), pp. 1634-1641.
Hallander, P., Sjölander, J., Petersson, M., Åkermo, M.
"Interface manipulation towards wrinkle-free forming of stacked UD prepreg layers"
(2016) Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 90, pp. 340-348.
Hagnell, M.K., Langbeck, B., Åkermo, M.
"Cost efficiency, integration and assembly of a generic composite aeronautical wing box"
(2016) Composite Structures, 152, pp. 1014-1023.
Poulikidou, S., Jerpdal, L., Björklund, A., Åkermo, M.
"Environmental performance of self-reinforced composites in automotive applications - Case study on a heavy truck component"
Sjölander, J., Hallander, P., Åkermo, M.
"Forming induced wrinkling of composite laminates: A numerical study on wrinkling mechanisms"
(2016) Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 81, pp. 41-51.
Mårtensson, P., Zenkert, D., Åkermo, M.
"Method for the cost-efficient and weight-efficient material diversity and partitioning of a carbon fibre composite body structure" (2016) Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 230 (1), pp. 49-60.
Björnsson, A., Jonsson, M., Lindbäck, J.E., Åkermo, M., Johansen, K.
"Robot-forming of prepreg stacks - Development of equipment and methods"
(2016) ECCM 2016 - Proceeding of the 17th European Conference on Composite Materials, .
E. Hryha, R. Shvab, M.Bram, M. Bitzer, L. Nyborg: ”Surface chemical state of Ti powders and its alloys: Effect of storage conditions and alloy composition”, Applied Surface Science, 2016, Vol. 388, No1, pp.294-303, ISSN 0169-4332,
C. Oikonomou, E. Hryha, L. Nyborg: "An XPS investigation on the thermal stability of the insulating surface layer of soft magnetic composite powder”, Surface and Interface Analysis, 2016, Vol. 48, No. 7, pp. 445-450, ISSN: 0142-2421, DOI: 10.1002/sia.5993, CPL:240603.
R. Shvab, E. Hryha, A. Malik Tahir, L. Nyborg: ”Copper Bronze Powder Surface Studied by XPS and HR SEM”, Powder Metallurgy Progress. Vol. 16 (1), p. 40-47, eISSN 1339-4533,
R. Gilardi, L. Alzati, R. Oro, E. Hryha, L. Nyborg, S. Berg, L. Radicchi: ” Reactivity of carbon based materials for powder metallurgy parts and hard metal powders manufacturing”, Journal of the Japan Society of Powder and Powder Metallurgy, 2016, Vol.63, No.7, pp. 548-554, ISSN: 0532-8799,, CPL:.
F. Suska, G. Kjeller, P. Tarnow, E. Hryha, L. Nyborg, A. Snis, A. Palmquist: ”Electron Beam Melting Manufacturing Technology for Individually Manufactured Jaw Prosthesis: A Case Report ”, Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 2016, Vol.74, No.8 pp.1706.e1-1706.e15, ISSN: 0278-2391,, CPL:241433.
E. Hryha, S. Shvab, M. Bram, M. Bitzer, L. Nyborg: "Surface chemical state of Ti powders and its alloys: Effect of storage conditions and alloy composition”, Applied Surface Science, In Press, Corrected Proof, ISSN: 0169-4332,, CPL: 231334.
R. Oro, E. Hryha, R. Gilardi, L. Alzati, L. Nyborg: ”Optimizing the synthesis of ultrafine tungsten carbide powders by effective combinations of carbon sources and atmospheres”, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, In Press, Corrected Proof, ISSN: 0263-4368,, CPL:.
Mårtensson P., Zenkert D., and Åkermo M., "Cost and weight efficient partitioning of composite automotive structures", Polymer Composites, Vol 38 (10), 2017, pp 2174-2181 (open access)
Dionisi F., Harnden, R. and Zenkert, D., “A model to analyse deformations and stresses in structural batteries due to electrode expansions”, Composite Structures, Vol 179, 2017, pp 580-589 (open access)
Mårtensson P., Zenkert D., and Åkermo M., "Draping simulation-supported framework for cost- and weight- effective composite design", International Journal of Automotive Composites, Vol 3 (1), 2017, pp 1-13
Ihrner N., Johannisson W., Sieland F., Zenkert D. and Johansson, M., “Structural Lithium Ion Battery Electrolytes via Reaction Induced Phase-Separation”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Vol 5, 2017, pp 25652-25659 (open access)
Molker H, Gutkin R, Asp LE, Implementation of failure criteria for transverse failure of orthotropic Non-Crimp Fabric composite materials. Composites Part A. Vol. 92, 2017, pp. 158–166.
Rashidi M., Andrén H.-O., Liu F., “Core-Shell Structure of Intermediate Precipitates in a Nb-Based Z-Phase Strengthened 12% Cr Steel”
Microscopy and Microanalysis, Vol. 23, 2017, pp 360-365.
Rashidi M., Johansson L., Andrén H.-O., Liu F. ”Microstructure and mechanical properties of two Z-phase strengthened 12%Cr martensitic steels: the effects of Cu and C”
Materials Science and Engineering A, 694, 2017, pp 57-65.
Svenning E.; Fagerström M.; Larsson F. “Localization aligned weakly periodic boundary conditions”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol 111, 2017, pp. 493-500.
Främby J., Fagerström M.; Brouzoulis J., “Adaptive modelling of delamination initiation and propagation using an equivalent single-layer shell approach”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol 112, 2017, 882-908.
Svenning E.; Larsson F., Fagerström M. “Two-scale modeling of fracturing solids using a smeared macro-to-micro discontinuity transition”, Computational Mechanics, Vol 60, 2017, pp. 627-641. (open access)
Mellin, P., Shvab, R., Strondl, A., Randelius, M., Brodin, H., Hryha, E., Nyborg, L., "COPGLOW and XPS investigation of recycled metal powder for selective laser melting" (2017) Powder Metallurgy, 60 (3), pp. 223-231.
Mallipeddi, D., Norell, M., Sosa, M., Nyborg, L., "Influence of running-in on surface characteristics of efficiency tested ground gears" (2017) Tribology International, 115, pp. 45-58.
Zhou, X., Yi, D., Nyborg, L., Hu, Z., Huang, J., Cao, Y., "Influence of Ag addition on the microstructure and properties of copper-alumina composites prepared by internal oxidation"
(2017) Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 722, pp. 962-969.
Lindgren, L-E, Qin, H and Wedberg, D
"Improved and simplified dislocation density based plasticity model for AISI 316"
Mechanics of Materials, Vol. 108, pp. 68-76, 2017.
Zhang, Z, Wan, ZY, Lindgren, L-E, Tan ZJ, and Zhou, Z
"The simulation of precipitation evolutions and mechanical properties in friction stir welding with post-weld heat treatments"
J. of Materials Engineering and Performance
Vol 26, pp. 5731-5740, 2017
Lindgren, L-E, Qin, H and Wedberg, D
"Improved and simplified dislocation density based plasticity model for AISI 316"
Mechanics of Materials, Vol. 108, pp. 68-76, 2017.
Zhang, Z, Wan, ZY, Lindgren, L-E, Tan ZJ, and Zhou, Z
"The simulation of precipitation evolutions and mechanical properties in friction stir welding with post-weld heat treatments"
J. of Materials Engineering and Performance
Vol 26, pp. 5731-5740, 2017
R. Svvab, E. Hryha, L. Nyborg: ”Surface chemistry of the titanium powder studied by XPS using internal standard reference”, Powder Metallurgy, 2017, Vol.60, No:1, pp.42-48, ISSN 0032-5899,
M. Vattur Sundaram, R. Shvab, S. Millot, E. Hryha, L. Nyborg: “Effect of Alloying Type and Lean Sintering Atmosphere on the Performance of PM Components”, Powder Metallurgy Progress, Vol. 17 (2), p. 72-81, eISSN 1339-4533,
R. Oro, E. Hryha, R. Gilardi, L. Alzati, L. Nyborg: ”Optimizing the synthesis of ultrafine tungsten carbide powders by effective combinations of carbon sources and atmospheres”, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 2017, Vol. 63, pp.9-16, ISSN: 0958-0611,
Hagberg J., Maples H.A., Alvim K.S.P., Xu J., Johannisson W., Bismarck A., Zenkert D. and Lindbergh G. “Lithium iron phosphate coated carbon fiber electrodes for structural lithium ion batteries”, Composites Science and Technology, Vol 162, 2018, pp 235-243 (open access)
Fredi G., Jeschke S., Boulaoued A., Wallenstein J., Rashidi M., Liu F., Harnden R., Zenkert D., Hagberg J., Lindbergh G., Johansson P., Stievano L., Asp L.E., “Graphitic microstructure and performance of carbon fibre Li-ion battery electrodes”, Multifunctional Materials, Vol 1 (1), 2018, paper 015003 (open access) (Appointed among the top-ten breakthroughs in physics in 2018 by Physics World).
Johannisson W., Ihrner N., Zenkert D., Johansson M., Carlstedt D., Asp L.E. and Sieland F., "Multifunctional performance of a carbon fiber UD lamina electrode for structural batteries", Composites Science and Technology, Vol 168 (10), 2018, pp 81-87 (open access)
Harnden R., Peuvot K., Zenkert D., Lindbergh G., ”Multifunctional performance of sodiated carbon fibres”, Journal of the Electrochemical Society¸ 165 (13), 2018, pp B616-B622 (open access)
Wilhelmsson D, Gutkin R, Edgren F, Asp LE. An experimental study of fibre waviness and its effects on compressive properties of unidirectional NCF composites. Composites Part A. Vol 107, 2018, pp. 665-674.
Wilhelmsson D, Asp LE. A high resolution method for characterisation of fibre misalignment angles in composites. Composites Science and Technology. Vol. 165, 2018, pp 214-221.
Safo I. A., Liu F., Xie K., Xia W. “Oxidation and stability of multi-walled carbon nanotubes in hygrogen peroxide solution”
Materials Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 214, 472–481, 2018.
Fedorova I., Liu F., Grumsen F.B., Cao Y., Mishin O.V. and Hald J. “Fine (Cr,Fe)2B borides on grain boundaries in a 10Cr-0.01B martensitic steel”
Scripta Materialia, vol. 156, 124-128, 2018.
Rashidi M., Golpayegani A., Sheikh S., Guo S., Andrén H.-O., Liu F., “Mechanistic insights into the transformation processes in Z-phase strengthened 12% Cr steels”
Materials and Design, vol. 158, 237-247, 2018.
Rashidi M, Odqvist J; Johansson L; Hald J; Andrén H-O; Liu F, “Experimental and theoretical investigation of precipitate coarsening rate in Z-phase strengthened steels”
Materialia, Vol. 4, 247–254 (2018).
Zhao D, Li S, Wang Y, Liu F, Wang X, “Investigation of ion irradiation hardening behaviors of tempered and long-term thermal aged T92 steel”, Journal of Nuclear Materials. Vol. 511, p. 191-199, 2018.
Mostofizadeh S.; Van der Meer F., Fagerström M., Sluys L., Larsson R. “An element subscale refinement for representation of the progressive fracture based on the phantom node approach”, Computers and Structures, Vol 196, 2018, 134-145.
Oddy C., Blomstrand E., Johansson D., Karlsson N., Olofsson N, Steen P., Fagerström M., Asp L., McVeagh J., Brown M., Finnsgård C. “Composite design for a foiling Optimist dinghy”. Proceedings (Open Access by MDI Publishing), 2018. (open access)
Granlund M., Gräsberg G.; Zrida H., Fagerström M., Karlsson A. “Increased impact resistance of cross-country ski poles by improved, simulation assisted composite design”, Proceedings (Open Access by MDI Publishing), 2018. (open access)
Svenning E., Larsson F., Fagerström M. “A two-scale modeling framework for strain localization in solids: XFEM procedures and computational aspects”, Computers and Structures, Vol 211, 2018, pp. 143-154.
Vattur Sundaram, M., Khodaee, A., Andersson, M., Nyborg, L., Melander, A., "Experimental and finite element simulation study of capsule-free hot isostatic pressing of sintered gears"
(2018) International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 99 (5-8), pp. 1725-1733.
Wendel, J., Shvab, R., Cao, Y., Hryha, E., Nyborg, L., "Surface analysis of fine water-atomized iron powder and sintered material"
(2018) Surface and Interface Analysis, 50 (11), pp. 1065-1071.
Manchili, S.K., Shvab, R., Zehri, A., Ye, L., Hryha, E., Liu, J., Nyborg, L., "Surface analysis of iron and steel nanopowder"
(2018) Surface and Interface Analysis, 50 (11), pp. 1083-1088.
Gruber, H., Karimi, P., Hryha, E., Nyborg, L., "Effect of Powder Recycling on the Fracture Behavior of Electron Beam Melted Alloy 718" (2018) Powder Metallurgy Progress, 18 (1), pp. 40-48.
Shvab, R., Sundaram, MV, Karlsson, H, Chasoglou, D, Berg, S, Hryha, E, Nyborg, L., "Manufacturing of Valve Bridge Component Utilizing Lean Alloyed Powders and Vacuum Sintering"
(2018) Powder Metallurgy Progress, 18 (1), pp. 31-39.
Vattur Sundaram, M., Surreddi, K.B., Hryha, E., Veiga, A., Berg, S., Castro, F., Nyborg, L., "Enhanced Densification of PM Steels by Liquid Phase Sintering with Boron-Containing Master Alloy"
(2018) Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 49 (1), pp. 255-263.
Lindgren, L-E and Lundbäck, A
"Approaches in Computational Welding Mechanics Applied to Additive Manufacturing, review and outlook"
Comptes Rendus Mecanique, Vol 346, pp. 1033-1042, 2018. /10.1016/j.crme.2018.08.004
Fisk, M, Lindgren, L-E, Datchary, W and Desmukh, V
"Modelling of induction heating of low alloy steels"
Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, Vol. 144, May 2018, pp. 61-75.
Lindgren, L-E and Lundbäck, A
"Approaches in Computational Welding Mechanics Applied to Additive Manufacturing, review and outlook"
Comptes Rendus Mecanique, Vol 346, pp. 1033-1042, 2018. /10.1016/j.crme.2018.08.004
Fisk, M, Lindgren, L-E, Datchary, W and Desmukh, V
"Modelling of induction heating of low alloy steels"
Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, Vol. 144, May 2018, pp. 61-75.
Jerpdal, L., Åkermo, M., Ståhlberg, D., Herzig, A.
"Process induced shape distortions of self-reinforced poly(ethylene terephthalate) composites"
(2018) Composite Structures, 193, pp. 29-34.
Hallander, P., Sjölander, J., Åkermo, M.
"Forming of composite spars including interlayers of aligned, multiwall, carbon nanotubes: An experimental study" (2018) Polymer Composites, 39 (1), pp. 181-191.
R. Shvab, M. Vattur Sundaram, H. Karlsson, D. Chasoglou, S. Berg, E. Hryha, L. Nyborg: “Manufacturing of Valve Bridge Component Utilizing Lean Alloyed Powders and Vacuum Sintering”, Powder Metallurgy Progress, Vol. 18 (1), p. 31-39, eISSN 1339-4533,
M. Vattur Sundaram, K. Babu Surreddi, E. Hryha, A. Veiga, S. Berg, F. Castro, L. Nyborg: ”Enhanced Densification of PM Steels by Liquid Phase Sintering with Boron-Containing Master Alloy”, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2018, Vol. 49 No1, pp. 255-263, ISSN: 1543-1940,
A. Leicht, E. Hryha, U. Klement: “Effect of build geometry on the microstructural development of 316L parts produced by additive manufacturing”, Materials Characterization, 2018, Vol. 143, pp. 137-143, ISSN 1044-5803,
E. Hryha, R. Shvab, H. Gruber, A. Leicht, L. Nyborg: “Surface Oxide State on Metal Powder and its Changes during Additive Manufacturing: an Overview”, Metallurgia Italiana, Vol. 3, 2018, p. 34-39, ISSN 0026-0843.
Haas, Sylvio and Andersson, Joel and Fisk, Martin and Park, Jun-Sang and Lienert, Ulrich, “Correlation of precipitate evolution with Vickers hardness in Haynes 282 superalloy: In-situ high-energy SAXS/WAXS investigation”, Materials Science and Engineering: A, Vol 711, 2018, pp 250-258
Ehrlin, Niklas and Fisk, Martin and Bjerkén, Christina, “Flow stress model for hydrogen degraded Inconel 718”, Mechanics of Materials, Vol 119, 2018, pp 56-64
Reheman, Wureguli and Ståhle, Per and Singh, Ram N and Fisk, Martin, “Stable and unstable growth of crack tip precipitates”, Procedia Structural Integrity, Vol 13, 2018, pp 1792-1797.
Burman M., Stig F. and Zenkert D., "Blister Propagation in Sandwich Panels", Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials, Vol 21(5), 2019, pp 1683-1699
Schneider L, Ihrner N, Zenkert D., Johansson M., "Bicontinuous electrolytes via thermally initiated polymerization for structural lithium ion batteries", ACS Applied Energy Materials, Vol 2 (6), 2019, pp 4362-4369 (open access)
Johannisson W., Zenkert D., Lindbergh G., ”Model of a structural battery and its potential for system level mass savings”, Multifunctional Materials, Vol 2, 2019, paper 035002 (open access)
Zackrisson M., Jönsson C., Johannisson W., Fransson K., Posner S., Zenkert D., Lindbergh G., "Life cycle assessment of a structural battery", Sustainability, Vol 11, 2019, paper 5679 (open access)
Asp L.E., Johansson M., Lindbergh G., Xu J., Zenkert D., ”Structural Battery Composites: A Review”, Functional Composites and Structures, Vol 1, 2019, paper 042001 (open access)
Molker H, Gutkin R, Pinho ST, Asp LE. Hot spot Analysis in complex composite material structures. Composites Structures. 207, 2019, pp. 776-786.
Carlstedt D, Marklund E, Asp LE. Effects of state of charge on elastic properties of 3D structural battery composites. Composites Science and Technology. 169, 2019, pp. 26-33.
Wilhelmsson D, Mikkelsen LP, Faester S, Asp LE. Influence of in-plane shear on kink-plane orientation in a unidirectional fibre composite, Composites Part A 119, 2019, pp. 283–290.
Schutzeichel MOH, Kletschkowski T, Linde P, Asp LE. Experimental characterization of multifunctional polymer electrolyte coated carbon fibres, Functional Composites and Structures. 1, 2019, paper no. 025001. 10.1088/2631-6331/ab136b.
Molker H, Gutkin R, Asp LE. Industrial framework for identification and verification of hot spots in automotive composite structures. SAE Int. J. Mater. Manf. Vol. 12(2):2019, pp- 107-120.
Carlstedt D, Asp LE. Thermal and diffusion induced stresses in a structural battery under galvanostatic cycling. Composites Science and Technology. Vol. 179, 2019, pp. 69-78.
Wilhelmsson D, Talreja R, Gutkin R, Asp LE, Compressive strength assessment of fibre composites based on a defect severity model. Composites Science and Technology. 181, 2019, 107685. Invited Feature Article. (open access)
Wilhelmsson D, Faester S, Mikkelsen LP, Asp LE. X-ray tomography data of compression tested unidirectional fibre composites with different off-axis angles. Data in brief 25, 2019, 104263. (open access)
Canturri C, Greenhalgh ES, Asp LE, Pinho ST. Fractographic Study to Characterise the Interaction Between Intralaminar and Interlaminar Fracture from Embedded Defects Under Compression Loading. Composites Part A, Vol. 125, 2019, 105557.
Fedorova I, Grumsen F B, Hald J, Andrén H-O, Liu F, ”Analysing Boron in 9–12% Chromium Steels Using Atom Probe Tomography”, Microscopy and Microanalysis, Vol. 25, 2019, pp 462-469.
Zhao D, Li S, Wang X, Wang Y, Liu F, Cao X “Proton irradiation induced defects in T92 steels: An investigation by TEM and positron annihilation spectroscopy”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, Vol. 442, 2019, pp 59-66.
Adams C., Remmers J.J.C., Fagerström M. “Efficient modelling of delamination growth using adaptive isogeometric continuum shell elements”, Computational Mechanics, Vol 65, 2019, pp. 99-117. (open access)
Oddy C, Ekermann T., Ekh M., Fagerström M., Hallström S., Stig F. “Predicting damage initiation in 3D fibre-reinforced composites - the case for strain-based criteria”, Composite Structures, Vol 230, 2019, paper: 111336.
Karlsson, L., Lycksam, H., Ljung, A.-L., Gren, P., Staffan Lundström, ”Experimental study of the internal flow in freezing water droplets on a cold surface”, Experiments in Fluids, Vol 60(12), 2019, paper no. 182.
Hallberg H. and Bulatov V.V., "Modeling of grain growth under fully anisotropic grain boundary energy", Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, Vol 27 (4), 2019, paper 045002
Ericsson A., Fisk M. and Hallberg H., "Modeling of nucleation and growth in glass-forming alloys using a combination of classical and phase-field theory", Computational Materials Science, Vol 165, 2019, pp 167-179
Pettersson S., Engqvist J., Hall S., Toft N. and Hallberg H., "Peel testing of a packaging material laminate studied by in-situ X-ray tomography and cohesive zone modeling", International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, Vol 95, 2019, paper 102428
Pauzon, C., Hryha, E., Forêt, P., Nyborg, L., "Effect of argon and nitrogen atmospheres on the properties of stainless steel 316L parts produced by laser-powder bed fusion"
(2019) Materials and Design, 179, art. no. 107873.
Gruber, H., Henriksson, M., Hryha, E., Nyborg, L., "Effect of Powder Recycling in Electron Beam Melting on the Surface Chemistry of Alloy 718 Powder"
(2019) Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 50 (9), pp. 4410-4422.
Vattur Sundaram, M., Karamchedu, S., Gouhier, C., Hryha, E., Bergman, O., Nyborg, L., "Vacuum sintering of chromium alloyed powder metallurgy steels" (2019) Metal Powder Report, 74 (5), pp. 244-250.
Andersson, M., Bergendahl, M., Bjarre, U., Eklund, A., Gunnarsson, S., Haglund, S., Hansson, H., Heikkilä, I., Khodaee, A., Melander, A., Nyberg, H., Nyborg, L., Strondl, A., Vattur Sundaram, M., "Manufacturing full density powder metallurgy gears through HIP:ing" (2019) Metal Powder Report, 74 (4), pp. 199-203.
Mallipeddi, D., Norell, M., Sosa, M., Nyborg, L., "Effect of Running-In (Load and Speed) on Surface Characteristics of Honed Gears" (2019) Tribology Transactions, 62 (3), pp. 412-418.
Mallipeddi, D., Norell, M., Sosa, M., Nyborg, L., "The effect of manufacturing method and running-in load on the surface integrity of efficiency tested ground, honed and superfinished gears"
(2019) Tribology International, 131, pp. 277-287.
Babu, B, Lundbäck, A, and Lindgren, L-E
"Simulation of Ti-6Al-4V additive manufacturing using coupled physically based flow stress and metallurgical model" Materials, Vol. 12, p. 3844, 2019.
Lindgren, L-E and Gyhlesten Back, J
"Elastic properties of ferrite and austenite in low alloy steels versus temperature and alloying"
Materialia, Vol 5, pp. 199193, 2019.
Lindgren, L-E, Edberg, J, Åkerström, P, and Zhang, Z
"Modeling of thermal stresses in low alloy steels"
Journal Thermal Stresses, Vol. 42, pp. 107-121, 2019. (open access)
Babu, B, Lundbäck, A, and Lindgren, L-E
"Simulation of Ti-6Al-4V additive manufacturing using coupled physically based flow stress and metallurgical model"
Metals, Vol. 12, p. 3844, 2019 (open access)
Draxler, J, Edberg, J, Andersson, J, and Lindgren, L-E
"Modeling and simulation of weld solidification cracking part I"
Welding in the World, Vol. 63, pp. 1489-1502, 2019. (open access)
Draxler, J, Edberg, J, Andersson, J, and Lindgren, L-E
"Modeling and simulation of weld solidification cracking part II"
Welding in the World, Vol. 63, pp. 1503-1519, 2019. (open access)
Draxler, J, Edberg, J, Andersson, J, and Lindgren, L-E
"Modeling and simulation of weld solidification cracking part III"
Welding in the World, Vol. 63, pp. 1883-1901, 2019.
Karlsson D., Lindwall G., Lundbäck A., Amnebrink M., Boström M., Riekehr L., Schuisky M., Sahlberg M., Jansson U
"Binder jetting of the AlCoCrFeNi alloy"
Additive Manufacturing, Vol 27, 2019, pp 72-79 (open access)
Gheno T., Lindwall G., "On the Simulation of Composition Profiles in NiCoCrAl Alloys During Al2O3 Scale Growth in Oxidation and Oxidation–Dissolution Regimes"
Oxidation of Metals, Vol. 91, 2019, pp 243-257
Lindwall G., Campbell C. E., Lass E. A., Zhang F., Stoudt M. R., Allen A. J., Levine L. E., "Simulation of TTT curves for additively manufactured Inconel 625, Metallurgical and Materials" Transactions A, Vol 50 (1), 2019, pp 457-467 (open access)
Pacheco V., Lindwall G., Karlsson D., Cedervall J., Fritze S., Ek G., Berastegui P., Sahlberg M., Jansson J., "Thermal stability of the HfNbTiVZr high-entropy alloy" Inorganic chemistry
Vol 58 (1), 2019, pp 811-820
Babu, B, Lundbäck, A, and Lindgren, L-E
"Simulation of Ti-6Al-4V additive manufacturing using coupled physically based flow stress and metallurgical model"
Materials, Vol. 12, p. 3844, 2019.
Lindgren, L-E and Gyhlesten Back, J
"Elastic properties of ferrite and austenite in low alloy steels versus temperature and alloying"
Materialia, Vol 5, pp. 199193, 2019.
Lindgren, L-E, Edberg, J, Åkerström, P, and Zhang, Z
"Modeling of thermal stresses in low alloy steels"
Journal Thermal Stresses, Vol. 42, pp. 107-121, 2019. (open access)
Babu, B, Lundbäck, A, and Lindgren, L-E
"Simulation of Ti-6Al-4V additive manufacturing using coupled physically based flow stress and metallurgical model"
Metals, Vol. 12, p. 3844, 2019 (open access)
Draxler, J, Edberg, J, Andersson, J, and Lindgren, L-E
"Modeling and simulation of weld solidification cracking part I"
Welding in the World, Vol. 63, pp. 1489-1502, 2019. (open access)
Draxler, J, Edberg, J, Andersson, J, and Lindgren, L-E
"Modeling and simulation of weld solidification cracking part II"
Welding in the World, Vol. 63, pp. 1503-1519, 2019. (open access)
Draxler, J, Edberg, J, Andersson, J, and Lindgren, L-E
"Modeling and simulation of weld solidification cracking part III"
Welding in the World, Vol. 63, pp. 1883-1901, 2019. (open access)
Hallander, P., Sjölander, J., Petersson, M., Andersson, T., Åkermo, M.
Fast forming of multistacked UD prepreg using a high-pressure process
(2019) Polymer Composites, 40 (9), pp. 3550-3561.
Hagnell, M.K., Åkermo, M. "The economic and mechanical potential of closed loop material usage and recycling of fibre-reinforced composite materials"
(2019) Journal of Cleaner Production, 223, pp. 957-968.
ACCESS TYPE: Open Access
Hörberg, E., Nyman, T., Åkermo, M., Hallström, S.
"Thickness effect on spring-in of prepreg composite L-profiles – An experimental study
(2019) Composite Structures, 209, pp. 499-507.
Grankäll, T., Hallander, P., Åkermo, M. "Geometric compensation of convex forming tools for successful final processing in concave cure tools – An experimental study"
(2019) Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 116, pp. 187-196.
E. Hryha, J. Wendel: ” Effect of heating rate and process atmosphere on the thermodynamics and kinetics of the sintering of pre-alloyed water-atomized powder metallurgy steels”, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2019, Vol.102, pp. 748-756, ISSN: 0002-7820,
Xu J., Johannisson W., Johansen M., Liu F., Zenkert D., Lindbergh G, Asp L.E., ”Characterization of the adhesive properties between structural battery electrolytes and carbon fibers”, Composites Science and Technology, Vol 188, 2020, paper 107962
Johannisson W., Harnden R., Zenkert D., Lindbergh G, “Shape-morphing carbon fibre composite using electrochemical actuation”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Vol 117 (14), 2020, pp 7658-7664 (open access)
Johannisson W., Nguyen S., Lindbergh G., Zenkert D., Greenhalgh E., Shaffer M., Kucernak A., ”A residual performance methodology to evaluate multifunctional systems”, Multifunctional Materials, Vol 3 (2), 2020, paper 025002 (open access)
Wilhelmsson D, Rikemansson D, Bru T, Asp LE. Compressive strength assessment of a CFRP aero-engine component – An approach based on measured fibre misalignment angles, Composite Structures. Vol 233, 2020, paper 111632.
Duan S, Liu F, Pettersson T, Creighton C, Asp LE. Determination of transverse and shear moduli of single carbon fibres. Carbon. Vol. 158C, 2020, pp. 772-782.
Carlstedt D, Asp LE. Performance analysis framework for structural battery composites in electric vehicles. Composites Part B, Vol.186, 2020, p 107822.
Alves M, Carlstedt C, Ohlsson F, Asp LE, Pimenta S. Ultra-strong and stiff randomly-oriented discontinuous composites: closing the gap to quasi-isotropic continuous-fibre laminates. Composites Part A, Vol. 132, 2020, paper 105826.
Tu V, Asp LE, Shirshova N, Larsson F, Runesson K, Jänicke R. Performance of Bicontinuous Structural Electrolytes. Multifunctional Materials, Vol. 3, 2020, paper 025001,
Duan S, Liu F, Pettersson T, Creighton C, and Asp L E, “ Determination of transverse and shear moduli of single carbon fibres”
Carbon, Vol. 158, p 772-782, 2020.
Xu J, Johannisson W, Johansen M, Liu F, Zenkert D, Lindbergh G, Asp LE, “Characterization of the adhesive properties between structural battery electrolytes and carbon fibers”
Composites Science and Technology, vol. 188, 107962
Daniel P.M., Främby J., Fagerström M., Maimí P. “Complete transverse stress recovery model for linear shell elements in arbitrarily curved laminates”, Composite Structures, Vol 252, 2020, paper: 112675.
Costa S., Fagerström M., Olsson R. “Development and validation of a finite deformation fibre kinking model for crushing of composites”, Composites Science and Technology, Vol 197, 2020, paper: 108236.
Mirkhalaf S.M., Eggels E.H., van Beurden T.J.H., Larsson F., Fagerström M. “A finite element based orientation averaging method for predicting elastic properties of short fiber reinforced composites”, Composites Part B: Engineering, Vol 202, 2020, paper: 108388. (open access)
Ekström D., Forkman M., Fagerström M., Persson A., Larsson L., Finnsgård C. “Optimization of the Internal Structure and Shape of a 470 Dinghy Centerboard”, Proceedings (Open Access by MDI Publishing), 2020. (open access)
Stadler M., Blinzler B., Persson A., Finnsgård C., Salminen M., Fagerström M. “A Customised Finn Dinghy Rudder for Optimal Olympic Performance” Proceedings (Open Access by MDI Publishing), 2020. (open access)
Borenius J., Edman H., Lindmark, A., Pålsson M., Abrahamsson T., Fagerström M. “Modelling Bending Stiffness and Vibration Characteristics to Enable Simulation-Driven Ski Design” Proceedings (Open Access by MDI Publishing), 2020. (open access)
Främby J., Fagerström M., Karlsson J. “An adaptive shell element for explicit dynamic analysis of failure in laminated composites Part 1: Adaptive kinematics and numerical implementation” Engineering Fracture Mechanics (In Press), 2020, paper: 107288. (open access)
Främby J., Fagerström M. “An adaptive shell element for explicit dynamic analysis of failure in laminated composites Part 2: Progressive failure and model validation” Engineering Fracture Mechanics (Accepted), 2020. (open access)
Alnersson G., Tahir, M.W., Ljung, A.-L., and Lundström. T.S., “Review of the Numerical Modeling of Compression Molding of Sheet Molding Compound”, Processes, Vol 8 (22), 2020, paper no. 179 (open access)
Karlsson, L., Ljung, A.-L., Lundström, T.S., ”Comparing internal flow in freezing and evaporating water droplets using PIV”, Water, Vol 12(5), 2020, paper no. 1489 (open access)
Hallberg, H., Chamanfar A. and Nanninga, N.E., "A constitutive model for the flow stress behavior and microstructure evolution in aluminum alloys under hot working conditions - with application to AA6099", Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol 81C, 2020, pp 253-262
Zhu Y., Qiu H. and Hallberg H., "Phase field modelling allotropic transformation of solid solution", Computers Materials and Continua, Vol 62 (3), 2020, pp 1289-1302 (open access)
Starman B., Hallberg H., Wallin, M., Ristinmaa M. and Halilovic M., "Differences in phase transformation in laser peened and shot peened 304 austenitic steel", International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Vol 176, 2020, paper 105535
Starman B., Hallberg H., Wallin M., Ristinmaa M., Mole N. and Halilovic M., "Modelling of the Mechanical Response in 304 Austenitic Steel during Laser Shock Peening and Conventional Shot Peening", Procedia Manufacturing, Vol 47, 2020, pp 450-457 (open access)
Ericsson A., Pacheco V., Sahlberg M., Lindwall J., Hallberg H., Fisk M., "Transient nucleation in selective laser melting of Zr-based bulk metallic glass", Materials and Design, Vol 195, 2020, paper 108958 (open access)
Cao, Y., Delin, M., Kullenberg, F., Nyborg, L., "Surface modification of Ti-6Al-4V powder during recycling in EBM process" (2020) Surface and Interface Analysis
Manchili, S.K., Wendel, J., Cao, Y., Hryha, E., Nyborg, L., "Investigation of surface and thermogravimetric characteristics of carbon-coated iron nanopowder"
(2020) Surface and Interface Analysis.
Wendel, J., Manchili, S.K., Cao, Y., Hryha, E., Nyborg, L., "Evolution of surface chemistry during sintering of water-atomized iron and low-alloyed steel powder"
(2020) Surface and Interface Analysis.
Mallipeddi, D., Hajali, T., Rännar, L.-E., Bergström, A., Hernandez, S., Strandh, E., Nyborg, L., Krajnik, P., "Surface Integrity of Machined Electron Beam Melted Ti6Al4V Alloy Manufactured with Different Contour Settings and Heat Treatment"
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Mellin, P., Zavalis, T., Tingö, L., Brodin, H., Wendel, J., Berg, S., Riabov, D., Strondl, A., Nyborg, L., "Moisture content analysis of metal powders using oven desorption followed by Karl Fischer titration"
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A. Raza, T. Fiegl, I. Hanif, A. Markström, M. Franke, C. Körner, E. Hryha: ”Degradation of AlSi10Mg powder during laser based powder bed fusion processing”, Materials & Design, 2021, Vol.198, 109358,
A. Leicht, M. Fischer, U. Klement, L. Nyborg, E. Hryha: “Increasing the Productivity of Laser Powder Bed Fusion for Stainless Steel 316L through Increased Layer Thickness”, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2020,
J. Wendel, S.K. Manchili, E. Hryha, L. Nyborg: “Sintering behaviour of compacted water-atomised iron powder: effect of initial state and processing conditions”, Powder Metallurgy, 2020, Vol. 63. No.5, pp. 338-348,
J. Wendel, S.K. Manchili, E. Hryha, L. Nyborg: “Reduction of surface oxide layers on water-atomized iron and steel powder in hydrogen: Effect of alloying elements and initial powder stater”, Thermochimica Acta, 2020, Vol. 692, pp. 1-10, 178731,
S.K. Manchili, J. Wendel, E. Hryha, L. Nyborg: “Analysis of Iron Oxide Reduction Kinetics in the Nanometric Scale Using Hydrogen”, Nanomaterials, 2020, Vol. 10, No. 7, pp. 1-17, 1276,
S.K. Manchili, J. Wendel, A. Zehri, J. Liu, E. Hryha, L. Nyborg: “Effect of Nanopowder Addition on the Sintering of Water-Atomized Iron Powder” Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, Vol. 51, No. 9, pp. 4890-4901,
J. Wendel, S.K. Manchili, Hryha, L. Nyborg: “Oxide reduction and oxygen removal in water-atomized iron powder: a kinetic study”, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2020, Vol. 142, No 1, pp. 309-320, .
C. Pauzon, A- Leicht, U. Klement, P. Forêt, E. Hryha: “Effect of the process gas and scan speed on the properties and productivity of thin 316L structures produced by Laser-Powder Bed Fusion”, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, Vol.51, 2020, 5339-5350,
S. Parizia, G. Marchese, M. Rashidi, M. Lorusso, E. Hryha, D. Manfredi, S. Biamino: “Effect of heat treatment on microstructure and oxidation properties of Inconel 625 processed by LPBF”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020, 846, 156418,
D. Riabov, M. Rashidi, E. Hryha, S. Bengtsson: ”Effect of the powder feedstock on the oxide dispersion strengthening of 316L stainless steel produced by laser powder bed fusion”, Materials Characterization, Vol.169, November 2020, 110582,
D. Riabov, E. Hryha, M. Rashidi, S. Bengtsson, L. Nyborg: ”Effect of atomization on surface oxide composition in 316L stainless steel powders for additive manufacturing”, Surface and Interface Analysis, Vol. 52 (11), p. 694-706,
C. Pauzon, P. Forêt, E. Hryha, T. Arunprasad, L. Nyborg: ”Argon-helium mixtures as Laser-Powder Bed Fusion atmospheres: Towards increased build rate of Ti-6Al-4V”, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Volume 279, May 2020, 116555,
H. Gruber, C. Luchian, E. Hryha, L. Nyborg: ”Effect of Powder Recycling on Defect Formation in Electron Beam Melted Alloy 718” Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, Vol.51, 2020, pp.2430-2443
A. Leicht, C.H Yu, V. Luzin, U. Klement, E. Hryha: “Effect of scan rotation on the microstructure development and mechanical properties of 316L parts produced by laser powder bed fusion”, Materials Characterization, Volume 163, May 2020, 110309,
G. Marchesea, S. Parizia, M. Rashidi, A. Sabooria, D. Manfredi, D. Uguesa, M. Lombardi, E. Hryha, S. Biamino: “The role of texturing and microstructure evolution on the tensile behavior of heat-treated Inconel 625 produced via laser powder bed fusion”, Materials Science and Engineering: A, Vol. 769, No.2, January 2020, 138500,
A.Leicht, M.Rashidi, U.Klement, E.Hryha: “Effect of process parameters on the microstructure, tensile strength and productivity of 316L parts produced by laser powder bed fusion”, Materials Characterization, Volume 159, January 2020, 110016,
Malmelöv, Andreas and Fisk, Martin and Lundbäck, Andreas and Lindgren, Lars-Erik, “Mechanism Based Flow Stress Model for Alloy 625 and Alloy 718”, Materials, Vol 13, 2020, p 5620
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A.Durgaa, Niklas Holländer Pettersson, Sri Bala Aditya Malladi, Zhuoer Chen, Sheng Guob, Lars Nyborg, Greta Lindwall "Grain refinement in additively manufactured ferritic stainless steel by in situ inoculation using pre-alloyed powder" Scripta Materialia, Volume 194, 15 March 2021, 113690,
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Harnden R., Zenkert D., Lindbergh G., "Potassium-insertion in PAN-based carbon fibres for multifunctional energy storage, morphing, and strain-sensing", Carbon, Vol 171, 2021, pp 671-680 (open access)
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Asp LE, Bouton K, Carlstedt D, Duan S, Harnden R, Johannisson W, Johansen M, Johansson M, Lindbergh G, Liu F, Peuvot K, Schneider LM, Xu J, Zenkert D. "A structural battery and its multifunctional performance, Adv." Energy Sustainability Res. Vol. 2, No. 3, 2021, 2000093.
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G Maistro, S Kante, L Nyborg, Y Cao "Low-temperature carburized high-alloyed austenitic stainless steels in PEMFC cathodic environment", Surfaces and Interfaces, 2021 24, 101093,
D Mallipeddi, M Norell, VMS Naidu, X Zhang, M Näslund, L Nyborg "Micropitting and microstructural evolution during gear testing-from initial cycles to failure", Tribology International, 2021, 156, 106820,
SK Manchili, J Wendel, MV Sundaram, E Hryha, L Nyborg "Comparative study on the densification of chromium pre-alloyed powder metallurgy steel through nanopowder addition using design of experiments", Results in Materials, 2021, 10, 100173,
P Mellin, M Rashidi, M Fischer, L Nyborg, L Marchetti, C Hulme-Smith, "Moisture in Metal Powder and Its Implication for Processability in L-PBF and Elsewhere",...BHM Berg-und Hüttenmännische Monatshefte, 2021, 166 (1), 33-39,
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A Leicht, M Fischer, U Klement, L Nyborg, E Hryha "Increasing the Productivity of Laser Powder Bed Fusion for Stainless Steel 316L through Increased Layer Thickness" Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2021, 30 (1), 575-584,2.
A Leicht, C Pauzon, M Rashidi, U Klement, L Nyborg, E Hryha, "Effect of part thickness on the microstructure and tensile properties of 316L parts produced by laser powder bed fusion", Advances in Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, 2021, 2, 100037,
Durga A., Holländer Pettersson N., Aditya Malladi S. B., Chen Z., Guo S., Nyborg L., Lindwall G., "Grain refinement in additively manufactured ferritic stainless steel by in situ inoculation using pre-alloyed powder", Scripta Materialia, Vol 194, 2021, pp 113690,
Zendejas Medina L., Tavares da Costa M., Paschalidou E. M., Lindwall G., Riekehr L., Korvela M., Fritze S., Kolozsvári S., Gamstedt E. K., Nyholm L., Jansson U., "Enhancing corrosion resistance, hardness, and crack resistance in magnetron sputtered high entropy CoCrFeMnNi coatings by adding carbon", Materials & Design, Vol 205, 2021, pp 109711,
Lindwall G., Xiong W.,"CAlPHAD-based methods for alloy additivemanufacturing", Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, Vol 42 (1), pp 3-4,
Johannisson W, Carlstedt D, Nasiri A, Buggisch C, Linde P, Zenkert D, Asp LE, Lindbergh G, Fiedler B. "A screen-printing method for manufacturing of current collectors for structural batteries", Multifunctional Materials, 4, 2021, 035002
Grankäll, T., Hallander, P. & Åkermo, M. "Vacuum-Assisted Hot-Forming Using Tailored Laminate Temperature". Appl Compos Mater 28, 247–269 (2021).
D. Riabov, A. Leicht, J. Ahlström, E. Hryha, Investigation of the strengthening mechanism in 316L stainless steel produced with laser powder bed fusion, Materials Science and Engineering: A,
Bharat Mehta, Eduard Hryha, Lars Nyborg, Frederic Tholence and Erik Johansson, Effect of Surface Sandblasting and Turning on Compressive Strength of Thin 316L Stainless Steel Shells Produced by Laser Powder Bed Fusion, Metals 2021, 11, 1070,
Eduard Hyrha, Dmitri Riabov, Metal Powder Production for Additive Manufacturing, Encyclopedia of Materials: Metals and Allloys, Volume null, Issue null, Pages 264-271,
Chou C-Y., Holländer Pettersson N., Durga A., Zhang F., Oikonomou C., Borgenstam A., Odqvist J., Lindwall G., "Influence of solidification structure on austenite to martensite transformation in additively manufactured hot-work tool steels", Acta Materialia, Vol 215, 2021, 117044
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Dutra TA, Ferreira RTL, Resende HB, Blinzler BJ, Asp LE, Mechanism based failure of 3D-printed continuous carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastic composites. Composites Science and Technology, 213, 2021, 108962.
Mirkhalaf M., Fagerström M., "The mechanical behavior of polylactic acid (PLA) films: fabrication, experiments and modelling", Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials, Vol 25 (2), 2021, pp 119-131,
M Johansen, C Schlueter, P L Tam, L E Asp, F Liu "Mapping nitrogen heteroatoms in carbon fibres using atom probe tomography and photoelectron spectroscopy", Carbon, Vol. 179, p 20–27, 2021.
Johannisson W, Carlstedt D, Nasiri A, Buggisch C, Linde P, Zenkert D, Asp LE, Lindbergh G, Fiedler B. "A screen-printing method for manufacturing of current collectors for structural batteries", Multifunctional Materials, 4, 2021, 035002
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Dutra TA, Ferreira RTL, Resende HB, Blinzler BJ, Asp LE, "Mechanism based failure of 3D-printed continuous carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastic composites", Composites Science and Technology, 213, 2021, 108962.
Raza, A., Fiegl, T., Hanif, I., ...Körner, C., Hryha, E., "Degradation of AlSi10Mg powder during laser based powder bed fusion processing", Materials and Design, 2021, 198, 109358,
Pauzon, C., Dietrich, K., Forêt, P., Dubiez-Le Goff, S., Hryha, E., Witt, G., "Control of residual oxygen of the process atmosphere during laser-powder bed fusion processing of Ti-6Al-4V", Additive Manufacturing, 2021, 38, 101765,
Shaikh, A.S., Schulz, F., Minet-Lallemand, K., Hryha, E., "Microstructure and mechanical properties of Haynes 282 superalloy produced by laser powder bed fusion", Materials Today Communications, 2021, 26, 102038,
Pauzon, C., Raza, A., Hryha, E., Forêt, P., "Oxygen balance during laser powder bed fusion of Alloy 718", Materials and Design, 2021, 201, 109511,
Pauzon, C., Dietrich, K., Forêt, P., Hryha, E., Witt, G., "Mitigating oxygen pick-up during laser powder bed fusion of Ti-6Al-4V by limiting heat accumulation", Materials Letters, 2021, 288, 129365,
C.Pauzon, B.Hoppe, T.Pichler, S.Dubiez-Le Goff, P.Forêt, T.Nguyen, E.Hryha, "Reduction of incandescent spatter with helium addition to the process gas during laser powder bed fusion of Ti-6Al-4V", CIRPJ, Volume 35, November 2021, Pages 371-378,
C. Pauzon, A. Markström, S. Dubiez-Le Goff, E. Hryha, "Effect of the Process Atmosphere Composition on Alloy 718 Produced by Laser Powder Bed Fusion", Metals 2021, 11, 1254,
C. Pauzon, T. Mishurova, S. Evsevleev, S. Dubiez-Le Goff, S. Murugesan, G. Bruno, E. Hryha, "Residual stresses and porosity in Ti-6Al-4V produced by laser powder ebd fusion as a function of process atmosphere and component design", Additive Manufacturing, 2021, 102340,
W. Hearn, R. Steinlechner, E. Hryha, "Laser-based powder bed fusion of non-weldable low-alloy steels", Powder Metallurgy,
Castricum B.A, Mirkhalaf S.M, Fagerström M. and Larsson F., "A hierarchical coupled multi-scale model for short fiber composites", Proceedings of 14th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM),
Shanghong Duan, Anand H.S. Iyer, David Carlstedt, Florian Rittweger, Andrew Sharits, Calvin Maddox, Karl-Ragmar Riemschneider, David Mollenhauer, Magnus Colliander, Fang Liu, Leif E. Asp, "Effect of lithiation on the elastic moduli of carbon fibres" Carbon, Vol. 185, p 234-241, 2021.
Chou C-Y., Holländer Pettersson N., Durga A., Zhang F., Oikonomou C., Borgenstam A., Odqvist J., Lindwall G., "Influence of solidification structure on austenite to martensite transformation in additively manufactured hot-work tool steels", Acta Materialia, Vol 215, 2021, 117044
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B Mehta, E Hryha, L Nyborg, F Tholence, E Johansson: "Effect of Surface Sandblasting and Turning on Compressive Strength of Thin 316L Stainless Steel Shells Produced by Laser Powder Bed Fusion", Metals, 2021, volume 11(7), 1070,
A. Malakizadi, T. Hajali, F. Schulz, S. Cedergren, J. Ålgårdh, R. M'Saoubi, E. Hryha, P. Krajnik: "The role of microstructural characteristics of additively manufactured Alloy 718 on tool wear in machining", International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol. 171, December 2021, 103814,
Abdul Shaafi Shaik , Masoud Rashidi Kevin Minet-Lallemand , and Eduard Hryha: "On as-built microstructure and necessity of solution treatment in additively manufactured Inconel 939", Powder Metallurgy, 2022, AHEAD-OF-PRINT, 1-9,
B. Mehta, L. Nyborg, K. Frisk, E. Hryha: "Al–Mn–Cr–Zr-based alloys tailored for powder bed fusion-laser beam process: Alloy design, printability, resulting microstructure and alloy properties", Journal of Materials Research, 2022,
Xu J, Geng Z, Johansen M, Carlstedt D, Duan S, Thiringer T, Liu F, Asp LE. "A multicell structural battery composite laminate." EcoMat. 2022 e12180.
C. Schwerz, A. Raza, X. Lei, L. Nyborg, E. Hryha, H. Wirdelius: "In-situ detection of redeposited spatter and its influence on the formation of internal flaws in laser powder bed fusion", Additive Manufacturing, Volume 47, November 2021, 102370,
Jinghao Xu, Fiona Schulz, Ru Lin Peng, Eduard Hryha, Johan Moverare: "Effect of heat treatment on the microstructure characteristics and microhardness of a novel γ′ nickel-based superalloy by laser powder bed fusion", Results in Materials, Volume 12, December 2021, 100232,
Nilsson Åhman H.,Thorsson L., Melin P., Lindwall G., Persson C., "An enhanced understanding of the powder bed fusion-laser beam processing of Mg-3.9Y-2Nd-0.5Zr(WE43) alloy through thermodynamic modeling and experimental characterization", Materials, Vol 15 (2), 2022, pp 417,
Alberto Cabo Rios, Eduard Hryha, Eugene Olevsky & Peter Harlin: "Sintering anisotropy of binder jetted 316L stainless steel: part 1 – sintering anisotropy", Powder Metallurgy, 2021, AHEAD-OF-PRINT, 1-10,
Alberto Cabo Rios, Eduard Hryha, Eugene Olevsky & Peter Harlin: "Sintering anisotropy of binder jetted 316L stainless steel: part 2 – microstructure evolution during sintering", Powder Metallurgy, 2021, AHEAD-OF-PRINT, 1-13,
C. Pauzon, T. Mishurova, M. Fischer, J. Ahlström, T. Fritsch, G. Bruno, E. Hryha: "Impact of contour scanning and helium-rich process gas on performances of Alloy 718 lattices produced by laser powder bed fusion", Materials and Design, Vol. 215, March 2022, 110501,
Carlstedt D, Runesson K, Larsson F, Tu V, Jänicke R and Asp LE. Computational modelling of structural batteries accounting for stress-assisted convection in the electrolyte, International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 238, 2022, 111343.
Auenhammer R, Jeppesen N, Dahl Andersen V, Mikkelsen LP, Blinzler BJ, Asp LE. X-ray computed tomography data structure tensor orientation mapping for finite element models – STXAE. Software Impacts, Vol. 11, 2022, 100216.
Carlstedt D, Rittweger F, Runesson K, Navarro-Suárez AM, Xu J, Duan S, Larsson F, Riemschneider K-R, Asp LE. Experimental and computational characterization of carbon fibre based structural battery electrode laminae, Composites Science and Technology. Vol. 220, 2022, 109283.
Dutra TS, Ferreira RTL, Resende HB, Oliveira LM, Blinzler BJ, Asp LE. Identification of periodic equivalent volumes on the microstructure of 3D-printed fiber reinforced thermoplastics based on statistical characterization, Polymers, 2022, Vol. 14, 972.
Auenhammer RM, Jeppesen N, Mikkelsen LP, Dahl VA, Blinzler BJ, Asp LE, Robust numerical analysis of fibrous composites from X-ray computed tomography image data enabling low resolutions, Composites Science and Technology. 2022, Vol. 224, 109458
Ward A. A., Leonard D.N., König H-H., Lindwall G. and Cordero Z. C., "Ultrasonic additive manufactring of nanocrystalline laminated composites", Journal of Materials Research, Vol 37, 2022, pp 247-258,
Tobias Fiegl, Martin Franke, Ahmad Raza, Eduard Hryha, Carolin Körner: "Effect of AlSi10Mg0.4 long-term reused powder in PBF-LB/M on the mechanical properties", Materials and Design, 2021, volume 212, 110176,
Blixt, K.H. and Hallberg, H., "Grain boundary stiffness based on phase field crystal simulations", Materials Letters, Vol 318, 2022, pp 132178,
Blixt, K.H. and Hallberg, H., "Evaluation of grain boundary energy, structure and stiffness from phase field crystal simulations", Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, Vol 30(1), 2022, pp 014002,
Carlstedt D, Runesson K, Larsson F, Asp LE. On the coupled thermo-electro-chemo-mechanical performance of structural batteries with emphasis on thermal effects, European Journal of Mechanics / A Solids. 2022, Vol. 94, 104586
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Hans Gruber, Eduard Hryha, Kristina Lindgren, Yu Cao, Masoud Rashidi, Lars Nyborg: "The Effect of Boron and Zirconium on the Microcracking Susceptibility of IN-738LC Derivatives in Laser Powder Bed Fusion", Applied Surface Science, 2022, 573, 151541,
Ahmad Raza, Eduard Hryha: "Characterization of Spatter and Sublimation in Alloy 718 during Electron Beam Melting", Materials, 2021, 14(20), 5953,
William Hearn, Eduard Hryha: "Effect of Carbon Content on the Processability of Fe-C Alloys produced by Laser Based Powder Bed Fusion ", Frontiers in Materials, 2022, 8, 800021,
Grankäll, T, Hallander, P., Peterson, M., and Åkermo, M..”Moisture in composite cure tools”, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 2022, Vol 58, pp 106984
M Fisk, M Ristinmaa, A Hultkrantz, LE Lindgren Coupled electromagnetic-thermal solution strategy for induction heating of ferromagnetic materials, Applied Mathematical Modelling 111, 818-835,
A. Raza, C. Pauzon, E. Hryha, A. Markström, P. Foret: Spatter oxidation during laser powder bed fusion of Alloy 718: dependence on oxygen content in the process atmosphere, Additive Manufacturing, Volume 48, Part A, December 2021, 102369,
B Mehta, E Hryha, L Nyborg, F Tholence, E Johansson: Effect of Surface Sandblasting and Turning on Compressive Strength of Thin 316L Stainless Steel Shells Produced by Laser Powder Bed Fusion, Metals, 2021, volume 11(7), 1070,
A. Malakizadi, T. Hajali, F. Schulz, S. Cedergren, J. Ålgårdh, R. M'Saoubi, E. Hryha, P. Krajnik: The role of microstructural characteristics of additively manufactured Alloy 718 on tool wear in machining, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol. 171, December 2021, 103814,
Abdul Shaafi Shaik , Masoud Rashidi Kevin Minet-Lallemand , and Eduard Hryha: On as-built microstructure and necessity of solution treatment in additively manufactured Inconel 939, Powder Metallurgy, 2022, AHEAD-OF-PRINT, 1-9,
B. Mehta, L. Nyborg, K. Frisk, E. Hryha: Al–Mn–Cr–Zr-based alloys tailored for powder bed fusion-laser beam process: Alloy design, printability, resulting microstructure and alloy properties, Journal of Materials Research, 2022,
Dmitri Riabov, Laura Cordova, Eduard Hryha, Sven Bengtsson: Effect of powder variability on laser powder bed fusion processing and properties of 316L, European Journal of Materials, Volume 2 (1), 2022,
B. Metha, L. Nyborg, K. Frisk, J. alloys Compounds, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Volume 920, 5 November 2022, 165870,
Sjöström, J., Durga, A., Lindwall, G, "Linkage of Macro-and Microscale Modeling Tools for Additive Manufacturing of Steels", Frontiers in Materials Vol. 9, 2022, 797226,
Zrida H. and Fagerström M., "Mesoscale modeling of ultra-thin woven fabric composite subjected to in-plane loading", Advanced Composite Materials,
C. Schwerz, A. Raza, X. Lei, L. Nyborg, E. Hryha, H. Wirdelius: In-situ detection of redeposited spatter and its influence on the formation of internal flaws in laser powder bed fusion, Additive Manufacturing, Volume 47, November 2021, 102370,
Jinghao Xu, Fiona Schulz, Ru Lin Peng, Eduard Hryha, Johan Moverare: Effect of heat treatment on the microstructure characteristics and microhardness of a novel γ′ nickel-based superalloy by laser powder bed fusion, Results in Materials, Volume 12, December 2021, 100232,
A. Palmquist, M. Jolic, E. Hryha, F.A.Shah: Complex geometry and integrated macro-porosity: Clinical applications of electron beam melting to fabricate bespoke bone-anchored implants, Acta Biomaterialia, in press,
Harnden R., Carlstedt D., Zenkert D., Lindbergh G., "Multifunctional Carbon Fiber Composite: A Structural, Energy Harvesting, Strain-Sensing Material", ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, Vol 14(29), 2022, pp 33871-33880,
Martucci, B. Mehta, M. Lombardi, L. Nyborg, Metals 2022, 12(8), 1387
Alberto Cabo Rios, Eduard Hryha, Eugene Olevsky & Peter Harlin: Sintering anisotropy of binder jetted 316L stainless steel: part 1 – sintering anisotropy, Powder Metallurgy, 2021, AHEAD-OF-PRINT, 1-10,
Alberto Cabo Rios, Eduard Hryha, Eugene Olevsky & Peter Harlin: Sintering anisotropy of binder jetted 316L stainless steel: part 2 – microstructure evolution during sintering, Powder Metallurgy, 2021, AHEAD-OF-PRINT, 1-13,
C. Pauzon, T. Mishurova, M. Fischer, J. Ahlström, T. Fritsch, G. Bruno, E. Hryha: Impact of contour scanning and helium-rich process gas on performances of Alloy 718 lattices produced by laser powder bed fusion, Materials and Design, Vol. 215, March 2022, 110501,
M. Yuan, S. Karamchedu, Y. Fan, L. Liu, L. Nyborg, Y. Cao, Study of defects in directed energy deposited Vanadis 4 Extra tool steel, Journal of Manufacturing Processes Volume 76, April 2022, Pages 419-427,
Åhman H., Thorsson L., Mellin, P., Lindwall, G., Persson, C., "An Enhanced Understanding of the Powder Bed Fusion–Laser Beam Processing of Mg-Y3.9wt%-Nd3wt%-Zr0.5wt% (WE43) Alloy through Thermodynamic Modeling and Experimental Characterization", Materials Vol. 15 (2), 2022, pp. 417,
Ioannidou, C., König, H-H., Semjatov, N., Ackelid, U., Staron, P., Körner, C., Hedström, P., Lindwall, G., "In-situ synchrotron X-ray analysis of metal Additive Manufacturing: current state, opportunities and challenges", Materials & Design, Vol. 219, 2022, 110790,
Chou, C-Y., Karlsson, D., Holländer Pettersson, N., Helander, T., Harlin, P., Sahlberg, M., Jansson, U., Odqvist, J., Lindwall, G., "Precipitation Kinetics During Post-heat Treatment of an Additively Manufactured Ferritic Stainless Steel", Metallurgical and Materials Transaction A, Vol. 53, 2022, pp. 3073-3082,
Maialen Areitioaurtena, Unai Segurajauregi, Martin Fisk, Mario J. Cabello, Eneko Ukar Numerical and experimental investigation of residual stresses during the induction hardening of 42CrMo4 steel, European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids,
Maialen Areitioaurtena, Unai Segurajauregi, Martin Fisk, Mario J. Cabello, Eneko Ukar, Influence of induction hardening residual stresses on rolling contact fatigue lifetime, International Journal of Fatigue 159,
Tobias Fiegl, Martin Franke, Ahmad Raza, Eduard Hryha, Carolin Körner: Effect of AlSi10Mg0.4 long-term reused powder in PBF-LB/M on the mechanical properties, Materials and Design, 2021, volume 212, 110176,
Carlstedt D, Rittweger F, Runesson K, Navarro-Suárez AM, Xu J, Duan S, Larsson F, Riemschneider K-R, Asp LE. Experimental and computational characterization of carbon fibre based structural battery electrode laminae, Composites Science and Technology. Vol. 220, 2022, 109283.
Dutra TS, Ferreira RTL, Resende HB, Oliveira LM, Blinzler BJ, Asp LE. Identification of periodic equivalent volumes on the microstructure of 3D-printed fiber reinforced thermoplastics based on statistical characterization, Polymers, 2022, Vol. 14, 972.
Auenhammer RM, Jeppesen N, Mikkelsen LP, Dahl VA, Blinzler BJ, Asp LE, Robust numerical analysis of fibrous composites from X-ray computed tomography image data enabling low resolutions, Composites Science and Technology. 2022, Vol. 224, 109458.
Ward, A. A., Leonard, D. N., König, H-H., Lindwall, G., Cordero, Z. C., "Ultrasonic additive manufacturing of nanocrystalline laminated composites", Journal of Materials Research Vol. 37 (1), 2022, pp. 247-258,
Börjesson E., Remmers J.J.C. and Fagerström, M., "A generalised path-following solver for robust analysis of material failure", Computational Mechanics, Vol 70, 2022, pp 437–450,
Blixt, K.H., Hallberg, H., "Grain boundary and particle interaction: Enveloping and pass-through mechanisms studied by 3D phase field crystal simulations" Materials and Design, Vol 220, 2022, pp 110845,
Blixt, K.H., Hallberg, H., "Grain boundary stiffness based on phase field crystal simulations", Materials Letters, Vol 318, 2022, pp 132178,
Blixt, K.H., Hallberg, H., "Evaluation of grain boundary energy, structure and stiffness from phase field crystal simulations", Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, Vol 30(1), 2022, pp 014002,
Hans Gruber, Eduard Hryha, Kristina Lindgren, Yu Cao, Masoud Rashidi, Lars Nyborg: The Effect of Boron and Zirconium on the Microcracking Susceptibility of IN-738LC Derivatives in Laser Powder Bed Fusion, Applied Surface Science, 2022, 573, 151541,
Ahmad Raza, Eduard Hryha: Characterization of Spatter and Sublimation in Alloy 718 during Electron Beam Melting, Materials, 2021, 14(20), 5953,
William Hearn, Eduard Hryha: Effect of Carbon Content on the Processability of Fe-C Alloys produced by Laser Based Powder Bed Fusion, Frontiers in Materials, 2022, 8, 800021,
William Hearn, Kristina Lindgren, Johan Persson, Eduard Hryha: In situ tempering of martensite during laser powder bed fusion of Fe-0.45C steel, Materialia, Volume 23, June 2022, 101459,
Zhuoer Chen, Ahmad Raza, Eduard Hryha: Influence of part geometry on spatter formation in laser powder bed fusion of Inconel 718 alloy revealed by optical tomography, Journal of Manufacturing Processes ,
Laura Cordova, Ahmad Raza, Eduard Hryha: Rheological Behavior of Inconel 718 Powder for Electron-Beam Melting, Metals 2022, 12(7), 1231,
Carlstedt D, Runesson K, Larsson F, Asp LE. On the coupled thermo-electro-chemo-mechanical performance of structural batteries with emphasis on thermal effects, European Journal of Mechanics / A Solids. 2022, Vol. 94, 104586
C. Schwerz, F. Schulz, E. Natesan, L. Nyborg, Increasing productivity of laser powder bed fusion manufactured Hastelloy X through modification of process parameters, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, Volume 78, June 2022, Pages 231-241,
Schwerz, L. Nyborg, A neural network for identification and classification of systematic internal flaws in laser powder bed fusion, CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, Volume 37, May 2022, Pages 312-318,
Oddy C., Ekh M., and Fagerström M., "Macroscale modelling of 3D-woven composites: Elasto-plasticity and progressive damage", International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol 250, 2022, paper 111696,
IJ89. Ishfaq A, Nguyen SN, Greenhalgh ES, Shaffer MSP, Kucernak ARJ, Asp LE, Zenkert D, Linde P. Multifunctional design, feasibility and requirements for structural power composites in future electric air taxis. Journal of Composite Materials, 2022.
Castricum B.A., Fagerström M., Ekh M., Larsson F., Mirkhalaf S.M., "A computationally efficient coupled multi-scale model for short fiber reinforced composites", Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, Vol 163, 2022, article number 107233.
Fisk, M., Ristinmaa, M., Hultkrantz, A., & Lindgren, L. E. (2022). Coupled electromagnetic-thermal solution strategy for induction heating of ferromagnetic materials. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 111, 818-835.
Grankäll, T., Hallander, P., Petersson, M., Åkermo, M."Moisture in composite cure tools"(2022) Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 158, art. no. 106984, . DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2022.106984
Hallberg H. and Blixt K.H., "Evaluation of Nanoscale Deformation Fields from Phase Field Crystal Simulations", Metals, Vol 12 (10), 2022, pp 1630,
M Johansen, F Liu, Best practices for analysing carbon fibres by atom probe tomography, Microscopy and microanalysis, Volume 28 , Issue 4 , August 2022 , pp. 1092 - 1101, DOI:
Hallberg H. and Blixt K.H., "Evaluation of Nanoscale Deformation Fields from Phase Field Crystal Simulations", Metals, Vol 12 (10), 2022, pp 1630,
M Johansen, F Liu, Best practices for analysing carbon fibres by atom probe tomography, Microscopy and microanalysis, Volume 28 , Issue 4 , August 2022 , pp. 1092 - 1101, DOI:
Fisk, M., Ristinmaa, M., Hultkrantz, A., & Lindgren, L. E. (2022). Coupled electromagnetic-thermal solution strategy for induction heating of ferromagnetic materials. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 111, 818-835.
Castricum B.A., Fagerström M., Ekh M., Larsson F., Mirkhalaf S.M., "A computationally efficient coupled multi-scale model for short fiber reinforced composites", Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, Vol 163, 2022, article number 107233.
Grankäll, T., Hallander, P., Petersson, M., Åkermo, M."Moisture in composite cure tools"(2022) Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 158, art. no. 106984, . DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2022.106984
SSF Industrial PhD 2022, “Innovative control and smart structures for flight efficiency”, ID22-0068,20230101-20271231, PI Malin Åkermo, Co-PI Per Hallander SAAB
Dutta, M.K. Hagnell, M. Åkermo,Interply friction between unidirectional carbon/epoxy prepreg plies: Influence of fibre orientation,Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing,Volume 166,2023,107375,ISSN 1359-835X,
S.K., Manchili, F. Liu, E. Hryha, L. Nyborg. “Carbon-coated iron nanopowder as a sintering aid for water-atomized iron powder”. Scientific Reports, 12, 17850, 2022.
Ross A., Shang S-L., Fang H., Lindwall G., Liu X. L., Zhao W., Gleeson B., Gao M. C., Liu Z-K., "Tailoring critical Al concentration to form external Al2O3 scale on Ni–Al alloys by computational approach", Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 105 (12), 2022, pp 7770-7777
Lindwall, G., Moon K-W., Williams M., Tso W., Campbell C. E., "Development of a diffusion mobility database for Co-based superalloys", Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, Vol. 43 (6), 2022, pp 931-952
Karlsson, P. Hallander , F. Liu , T. Poot , M. Åkermo, “Sensing abilities of embedded vertically aligned carbon nanotube forests in structural composites: From nanoscale properties to mesoscale functionalities”, Composites Part B: Engineering, Accepted.
J. Xu, C. Creighton, M. Johansen, F. Liu, S. Duan, D. Carlstedt, P. Mota-Santiago, P. Lynch, L. E. Asp, “Effect of tension during stabilization on carbon fiber multifunctionality for structural battery composites”, Carbon, Accepted.
T. Karlsson, P. Hallander , F. Liu , T. Poot , M. Åkermo, “Sensing abilities of embedded vertically aligned carbon nanotube forests in structural composites: From nanoscale properties to mesoscale functionalities”, Composites Part B: Engineering, Accepted.
M. Cattaruzza, Y. Fang, I. Furó, G. Lindbergh, F. Liu and M. Johansson, “Hybrid polymer-liquid lithium ion electrolytes: effect of porosity on the ionic and molecular mobility”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Accepted.
Karlsson, P. Hallander , F. Liu , T. Poot , M. Åkermo, “Sensing abilities of embedded vertically aligned carbon nanotube forests in structural composites: From nanoscale properties to mesoscale functionalities”, Composites Part B: Engineering, Accepted.
J. Xu, C. Creighton, M. Johansen, F. Liu, S. Duan, D. Carlstedt, P. Mota-Santiago, P. Lynch, L. E. Asp, “Effect of tension during stabilization on carbon fiber multifunctionality for structural battery composites”, Carbon, Accepted.
Influence of iron nanopowder addition on the densification of chromium-prealloyed water-atomised powder metallurgy steel admixed with nickel, SK Manchili, B Malladi, M Vattur Sundaram, E Hryha, L Nyborg, Powder Metallurgy, 1-7, 2023,
Microstructure, mechanical properties and fracture mechanisms in a 7017 aluminium alloy tailored for powder bed fusion–laser beam, B Mehta, T Mishurova, S Evsevleev, H Markötter, G Bruno, E Hryha, L Nyborg,..., Materials & Design, 111602, 2023,
Time and temperature dependent softening of a novel maraging steel fabricated by laser metal deposition, M Yuan, L Nyborg, C Oikonomou, Y Fan, L Liu, Y Cao, Materials & Design 224, 111393, 2022,
Effect of layer thickness on spatters oxidation of Hastelloy X alloy during powder bed fusion-laser beam processing, A Raza, C Schwerz, C Pauzon, L Nyborg, E Hryha, Powder Technology, 2023,118461
Corrosion behaviour of additively manufactured 316L and CoCrNiSBA Malladi, PL Tam, Y Cao, S Guo, L Nyborg, Surface and Interface Analysis, 30 Jan, 2023
Surface chemical analysis of spatter particles generated in laser powder bed fusion of Hastelloy X in process atmospheres with high and low oxygen content C Schwerz, Y Cao, L Nyborg, Surface and Interface Analysis, 2 Feb, 2023
Xu J, Creighton C, Johansen M, Liu F, Duan S Carlstedt D, Mota-Santiago P, Lynch P, Asp LE, Effect of tension during stabilization on carbon fiber multifunctionality for structural battery composites. Carbon, 2023 (Accepted),
Hallberg H. and Blixt K.H., "Evaluation of Nanoscale Deformation Fields from Phase Field Crystal Simulations", Metals, Vol 12 (10), 2022, pp 1630,
M Johansen, F Liu, Best practices for analysing carbon fibres by atom probe tomography, Microscopy and microanalysis, Volume 28 , Issue 4 , August 2022 , pp. 1092 - 1101, DOI:
Fisk, M., Ristinmaa, M., Hultkrantz, A., & Lindgren, L. E. (2022). Coupled electromagnetic-thermal solution strategy for induction heating of ferromagnetic materials. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 111, 818-835.
Castricum B.A., Fagerström M., Ekh M., Larsson F., Mirkhalaf S.M., "A computationally efficient coupled multi-scale model for short fiber reinforced composites", Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, Vol 163, 2022, article number 107233. (
Grankäll, T., Hallander, P., Petersson, M., Åkermo, M."Moisture in composite cure tools"(2022) Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 158, art. no. 106984, . DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2022.106984
Dutta, M.K. Hagnell, M. Åkermo,Interply friction between unidirectional carbon/epoxy prepreg plies: Influence of fibre orientation,Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing,Volume 166,2023,107375,ISSN 1359-835X,
S.K., Manchili, F. Liu, E. Hryha, L. Nyborg. “Carbon-coated iron nanopowder as a sintering aid for water-atomized iron powder”. Scientific Reports, 12, 17850, 2022.
Ross A., Shang S-L., Fang H., Lindwall G., Liu X. L., Zhao W., Gleeson B., Gao M. C., Liu Z-K., "Tailoring critical Al concentration to form external Al2O3 scale on Ni–Al alloys by computational approach", Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 105 (12), 2022, pp 7770-7777
Lindwall, G., Moon K-W., Williams M., Tso W., Campbell C. E., "Development of a diffusion mobility database for Co-based superalloys", Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, Vol. 43 (6), 2022, pp 931-952
Lindwall G., Moon K-W, Williams M., Tso W., Campbell C. E., "Development of a diffusion mobility database for Co-based superalloys", Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, Vol 43, 2022, pp 931-952,
Ross A., Shang S-L., Fang H., Lindwall G., Liu X. L., Zhao W., Gleeson B., Gao M. C., Liu Z-K., "Tailoring critical Al concentration to form external Al2O3 scale on Ni–Al alloys by computational approach", Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 105, 2022, pp. 7770-7777,
Med SAABT. Karlsson, P. Hallander , F. Liu , T. Poot , M. Åkermo, “Sensing abilities of embedded vertically aligned carbon nanotube forests in structural composites: From nanoscale properties to mesoscale functionalities”, Composites Part B: Engineering, Accepted.
J. Xu, C. Creighton, M. Johansen, F. Liu, S. Duan, D. Carlstedt, P. Mota-Santiago, P. Lynch, L. E. Asp, “Effect of tension during stabilization on carbon fiber multifunctionality for structural battery composites”, Carbon, Accepted.
T. Karlsson, P. Hallander , F. Liu , T. Poot , M. Åkermo, “Sensing abilities of embedded vertically aligned carbon nanotube forests in structural composites: From nanoscale properties to mesoscale functionalities”, Composites Part B: Engineering, Accepted.
M. Cattaruzza, Y. Fang, I. Furó, G. Lindbergh, F. Liu and M. Johansson, “Hybrid polymer-liquid lithium ion electrolytes: effect of porosity on the ionic and molecular mobility”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Accepted.
Karlsson, P. Hallander , F. Liu , T. Poot , M. Åkermo, “Sensing abilities of embedded vertically aligned carbon nanotube forests in structural composites: From nanoscale properties to mesoscale functionalities”, Composites Part B: Engineering, Accepted.
J. Xu, C. Creighton, M. Johansen, F. Liu, S. Duan, D. Carlstedt, P. Mota-Santiago, P. Lynch, L. E. Asp, “Effect of tension during stabilization on carbon fiber multifunctionality for structural battery composites”, Carbon, Accepted.
Influence of iron nanopowder addition on the densification of chromium-prealloyed water-atomised powder metallurgy steel admixed with nickel, SK Manchili, B Malladi, M Vattur Sundaram, E Hryha, L Nyborg, Powder Metallurgy, 1-7, 2023,
Microstructure, mechanical properties and fracture mechanisms in a 7017 aluminium alloy tailored for powder bed fusion–laser beam, B Mehta, T Mishurova, S Evsevleev, H Markötter, G Bruno, E Hryha, L Nyborg, Materials & Design, 111602, 2023,
Time and temperature dependent softening of a novel maraging steel fabricated by laser metal deposition, M Yuan, L Nyborg, C Oikonomou, Y Fan, L Liu, Y Cao, Materials & Design 224, 111393, 2022,
Effect of layer thickness on spatters oxidation of Hastelloy X alloy during powder bed fusion-laser beam processing, A Raza, C Schwerz, C Pauzon, L Nyborg, E Hryha, Powder Technology, 2023,118461
Corrosion behaviour of additively manufactured 316L and CoCrNiSBA Malladi, PL Tam, Y Cao, S Guo, L Nyborg, Surface and Interface Analysis, 30 Jan, 2023
Surface chemical analysis of spatter particles generated in laser powder bed fusion of Hastelloy X in process atmospheres with high and low oxygen contentC Schwerz, Y Cao, L Nyborg, Surface and Interface Analysis, 2 Feb, 2023
Xu J, Creighton C, Johansen M, Liu F, Duan S Carlstedt D, Mota-Santiago P, Lynch P, Asp LE, Effect of tension during stabilization on carbon fiber multifunctionality for structural battery composites. Carbon, 2023 (Accepted),
Xu J, Creighton C, Johansen M, Liu F, Duan S Carlstedt D, Mota-Santiago P, Lynch P, Asp LE, Effect of tension during stabilization on carbon fiber multifunctionality for structural battery composites. Carbon, 2023 (Accepted),
Karlsson T., Hallander P., Liu F., Poot T, Åkermo M,"Sensing abilities of embedded vertically aligned carbon nanotube forests in structural composites: From nanoscale properties to mesoscale functionalities",Composites Part B: Engineering, Volume 255,2023,110587,
Granhed, E., De Mori, A., Battaglia E., Arnberg L., Lindwall G., "A Calphad-based investigation of the sludge factor", International journal of metalcasting, 2023,
König H-H., Holländer Pettersson N., Durga A., Van Petegem S., Grolimund D., Chuang A. C., Guo Q., Chen L., Oikonomou C., Zhang F., Lindwall G., "Solidification modes during additive manufacturing of steel revealed by high-speed X-ray diffraction", Acta Materialia, Vol. 246, 2023, pp. 118713,
König H-H., Holländer Pettersson N., Durga A., Van Petegem S., Grolimund D., Chuang A. C., Guo Q., Chen L., Oikonomou C., Zhang F., Lindwall G., "Solidification modes during additive manufacturing of steel revealed by high-speed X-ray diffraction", Acta Materialia, Vol. 246, 2023, pp. 118713,
Granhed, E., De Mori, A., Battaglia E., Arnberg L., Lindwall G., "A Calphad-based investigation of the sludge factor", International journal of metalcasting, 2023,
Duygu Yücel Y., Adolfsson E., Dykhoff H., Pettersson J., Trey S., Wysocki M., Zenkert D., Wreland Lindström R., Lindbergh G., “Powder-impregnated carbon fibres with litium iron phosphate as positive electrodes in structural batteries”, Composites Science and Technology, Vol 241, 2023, 110153
Ishfaq A, Nguyen SN, Greenhalgh ES, Shaffer MSP, Kucernak ARJ, Asp LE, Zenkert D, Linde P. Multifunctional design, feasibility and requirements for structural power composites in future electric air taxis. Journal of Composite Materials, 2023, Vol. 57 (4), Pages 817 - 828.
Hermansson F, Edgren F, Xu J, Asp LE, Janssen M, Svanström M. Climate impact and energy use of structural battery composites in electrical vehicles – Comparative prospective life cycle assessment. Int J Life Cycle Assess (2023).
Siraj MS, Tasneem S, Carlstedt D, Duan S, Johansen M, Larsson C, Xu J, Liu F, Edgren F, Asp LE. Advancing Structural Battery Composites: Robust Manufacturing for Enhanced and Consistent Multifunctional Performance. Advanced Energy and Sustainability Research, 2023, 2300109.
Ishfaq A, Nguyen SN, Greenhalgh ES, Shaffer MSP, Kucernak ARJ, Asp LE, Zenkert D, Linde P. Multifunctional design, feasibility and requirements for structural power composites in future electric air taxis. Journal of Composite Materials, 2023, Vol. 57 (4), Pages 817 - 828.
Xu J, Creighton C, Johansen M, Liu F, Duan S Carlstedt D, Mota-Santiago P, Lynch P, Asp LE, Effect of tension during stabilization on carbon fiber multifunctionality for structural battery composites. Carbon, 2023, Vol. 209, 117982.
Duan S, Cattaruzza M, Tu V, Auenhammer RM, Jänicke R, Johansson MKG, Liu F, Asp LE. Three-dimensional reconstruction and computational analysis of a structural battery composite electrolyte. Communications Materials, 2023, 4:49.
Carlstedt D, Runesson K, Larsson F, Jänicke R, Asp LE, Variationally consistent modeling of a sensor-actuator based on shape-morphing from electro-chemical-mechanical interactions. Journal of Physics and Mechanics of Solids, 2023, Vol. 179, 105371.
Ishfaq A, Nguyen SN, Greenhalgh ES, Shaffer MSP, Kucernak ARJ, Asp LE, Zenkert D, Linde P. Multifunctional design, feasibility and requirements for structural power composites in future electric air taxis. Journal of Composite Materials, 2023, Vol. 57 (4), Pages 817 - 828.
Xu J, Creighton C, Johansen M, Liu F, Duan S Carlstedt D, Mota-Santiago P, Lynch P, Asp LE, Effect of tension during stabilization on carbon fiber multifunctionality for structural battery composites. Carbon, 2023, Vol. 209, 117982.
Duan S, Cattaruzza M, Tu V, Auenhammer RM, Jänicke R, Johansson MKG, Liu F, Asp LE. Three-dimensional reconstruction and computational analysis of a structural battery composite electrolyte. Communications Materials, 2023, 4:49.
Carlstedt D, Runesson K, Larsson F, Jänicke R, Asp LE, Variationally consistent modeling of a sensor-actuator based on shape-morphing from electro-chemical-mechanical interactions. Journal of Physics and Mechanics of Solids, 2023, Vol. 179, 105371.
Johansen M, Xu J, Tam PL, Asp LE, Liu F. Lithiated Carbon Fibres for Structural Batteries Characterised with Auger Electron Spectroscopy, Applied Surface Science, 2023, Vol. 627, 157323.
L. E. Asp M. S. Siraj S. Tasneem D. Carlstedt S. Duan M. Johansen C. Larsson J. Xu F. Liu F. Edgren, “Advancing Structural Battery Composites: Robust Manufacturing for Enhanced and Consistent Multifunctional Performance”, 2023, Advanced Energy and Sustainability Research,
M. Cattaruzza, Y. Fang, I. Furó, G. Lindbergh, F. Liu and M. Johansson, “Hybrid polymer-liquid lithium ion electrolytes: effect of porosity on the ionic and molecular mobility”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Vol. 11, 7006–7015, 2023.
T. Karlsson, P. Hallander , F. Liu , T. Poot , M. Åkermo, “Sensing abilities of embedded vertically aligned carbon nanotube forests in structural composites: From nanoscale properties to mesoscale functionalities”, Composites Part B: Engineering, Vol. 255: 110587, 2023.
J. Xu, C. Creighton, M. Johansen, F. Liu, S. Duan, D. Carlstedt, P. Mota-Santiago, P. Lynch, L. E. Asp, “Effect of tension during stabilization on carbon fiber multifunctionality for structural battery composites”, Carbon, Vol 209, 117982, 2023.
Ghane, E. , Fagerström, M. , Mirkhalaf, S.M, “A multiscale deep learning model for elastic properties of woven composites”, International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol 282, 2023, paper: 112452,
Mentges, N., Çelik, H., Hopmann, C., Fagerström, M., Mirkhalaf, S.M., “Micromechanical modelling of short fibre composites considering fibre length distributions”, Composites Part B: Engineering, Vol 264, 2023, paper: 110868,
Börjesson, E., Larsson, F., Runesson, K., Remmers, J.J.C., Fagerström, M., “Variationally consistent homogenisation of plates”, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol 413, 2023, paper: 116094,
Friemann, J., Dashtbozorg, B., Fagerström, M., Mirkhalaf, S.M., “A micromechanics-based recurrent neural networks model for path-dependent cyclic deformation of short fiber composites”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol 124(10), 2023, pp. 2292–2314,
Daniel, P.M. , Främby, J. , Fagerström, M. , Maimí, P., “An efficient ERR-Cohesive method for the modelling of delamination propagation with large elements”, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, Vol 167, 2023, paper: 107423,
Mentges, N., Çelik, H., Hopmann, C., Fagerström, M., Mirkhalaf, S.M., “Micromechanical modelling of short fibre composites considering fibre length distributions”, Composites Part B: Engineering, Vol 264, 2023, paper: 110868,
Börjesson, E., Larsson, F., Runesson, K., Remmers, J.J.C., Fagerström, M., “Variationally consistent homogenisation of plates”, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol 413, 2023, paper: 116094,
Friemann, J., Dashtbozorg, B., Fagerström, M., Mirkhalaf, S.M., “A micromechanics-based recurrent neural networks model for path-dependent cyclic deformation of short fiber composites”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol 124(10), 2023, pp. 2292–2314,
Daniel, P.M. , Främby, J. , Fagerström, M. , Maimí, P., “An efficient ERR-Cohesive method for the modelling of delamination propagation with large elements”, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, Vol 167, 2023, paper: 107423,
Moosavi, A., Ljung, A.-L., Lundström, T. S., ”A study on the effect of cell spacing in large-scale air-cooled battery thermal management systems using a novel modeling approach”, Journal of Energy Storage, Vol 72, 2023, 10.1016/j.est.2023.108418Moosavi
A., Ljung, A.-L., Lundström, T. S., ”A comparative study on thermo-fluid characteristics of free and wall-bounded cross-flow heat exchangers”, Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, Vol 40, 10.1016/j.tsep.2023.101746
Katsivalis I., Persson M., Johansen M., Liu F., Moreau F., Kullgren E., Zenkert D., Pimenta S., Asp L., ”Strength analysis and failure prediction of tow based thin discontinuous composites”, Composites Science and Technology, 245, 2024, 110342
Asp L. E., Siraj M. S., Tasneem S., Carlstedt D., Duan S., Johansen M., Larsson, C., Xu, J., Liu F., Edgren F. , “Advancing Structural Battery Composites: Robust Manufacturing for Enhanced and Consistent Multifunctional Performance”, 2023, Advanced Energy and Sustainability Research,
Hallberg H., and Blixt K.H., "Multiplicity of grain boundary structures and related energy variations", Materials Today Communications, Vol 38, 2024, id. 107724,
Katsivalis I., Persson M., Johansen M., Liu F., Moreau F., Kullgren E., Zenkert D., Pimenta S., Asp L., ”Strength analysis and failure prediction of tow based thin discontinuous composites”, Composites Science and Technology, Vol 245, 2024, 110342
Katsivalis I., Norrby M., Moreau F., Kullgren E., Pimenta S., Zenkert D., Asp L., "Fatigue performance and damage characterisation of ultra-thin tow-based discontinuous tape composites", Composites part B, Vol 281, 2024, 111553
Yücel, Y.D., Adolfsson, E., Dykhoff, H., Pettersson, J., Trey, S., Wysocki, M., Zetterström, E.W., Zenkert, D., Lindström, R.W. and Lindbergh, G., “Enhancing Structural Battery Performance: Investigating the Role of Conductive Carbon Additives in LiFePO4-Coated Carbon Fiber Electrodes”, Composites Science and Technology, Vol 251, 2024, 110571
Duygu Yücel Y., Zenkert D., Wreland Lindström R., Lindbergh G., "LiFePO4-Coated Carbon Fibers as Positive Electrodes in Structural Batteries: Insights from Spray Coating Technique", Electrochemistry Communications, Vol 160, 2024, 107670
Zenkert D., Harnden R., Asp L.E., Lindbergh G., Johansson M., "Multifunctional Carbon Fibre Composites using Electrochemistry", Composites Part B, Vol 273, 2024, 111240
Blixt K.H., and Hallberg H., "Phase field crystal modeling of grain boundary structures in diamond cubic systems", Physical Review Materials, Vol 8, 2024, pp 033606,
Katsivalis I., Persson M., Johansen M., Liu F., Moreau F., Kullgren E., Norrby M., Zenkert D., Pimenta S., Asp L., ”Strength analysis and failure prediction of tow based thin discontinuous composites”, Composites Science and Technology, Vol 245, 2024, 110342
Katsivalis I., Norrby M., Moreau F., Kullgren E., Pimenta S., Zenkert D., Asp L., "Fatigue performance and damage characterisation of ultra-thin tow-based discontinuous tape composites", Composites Part B, Vol 281, 2024, 111553
Duygu Yücel Y., Zenkert D., Wreland Lindström R., Lindbergh G., "LiFePO4-Coated Carbon Fibers as Positive Electrodes in Structural Batteries: Insights from Spray Coating Technique", Electrochemistry Communications, Vol 160, 2024, 107670
Zenkert D., Harnden R., Asp L.E., Lindbergh G., Johansson M., "Multifunctional Carbon Fibre Composites using Electrochemistry", Composites Part B: Engineering, Vol 273, 2024, 111240
Bouton K., Schneider L., Zenkert D., Lindbergh G., "A structural battery with carbon fibre electrodes balancing multifunctional performance", Composites Science and Technology, Vol 265, 2024, 110728
Hallberg, H., and Blixt, K.H., "Assessing grain boundary variability through phase field crystal simulations", Physical Review Materials, Vol 8 (11), 2024, pp 113605,
Jacobsson E., Hallberg H., Hektor J., Iyengar S., and Ristinmaa M., "A level set approach to modelling diffusional phase transformations under finite strains with application to the formation of Cu6Sn5", Computational Materials Science, Vol 244, 2024, pp 113284,
R. Tavano, J. Xu, C. Creighton, F. Liu, B. Dharmasiri, L. C. Henderson, L. E. Asp “Influence of carbonisation temperatures on multifunctional properties of carbon fibres for structural battery applications”, Batteries & Supercaps, 2024.
M. Johansen, M. Singh, J. Xu, L. E. Asp, B. Gault, F. Liu, “Unravelling lithium distribution in carbon fibre electrodes for structural batteries with atom probe tomography”, Carbon, Vol, 225, 119091, 2024.
M. Johansen, M. Singh, B. Gault, F. Liu, “Suppressing lithium migration in carbon fiber negative electrode during atom probe tomography analysis”, Microscopy and microanalysis, Vol, p, 2024.
Jansson, N., Fagerström, M.: A kinking-based failure model for engineering simulation of compressive crushing of composite structures (2024) Composite Structures, 329, art. no. 117755, DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2023.117755
Börjesson, E., Verhoosel, C.V., Remmers, J.J.C., Fagerström, M.: Meso-scale modelling of complex fibre composite geometries using an immersed boundary method. (2024) Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 242, art. no. 104262, DOI: 10.1016/j.finel.2024.104262
Oddy, C., Song, M.Y., Stewart, C., El Said, B., Ekh, M., Hallett, S.R., Fagerström, M.: Cyclic behaviour of 3D-woven composites in tension: Experimental testing and macroscale modelling (2024) Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 187, art. no. 108354, DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2024.108354
Ghane, E., Fagerström, M., Mirkhalaf, M.: Recurrent neural networks and transfer learning for predicting elasto-plasticity in woven composites (2024) European Journal of Mechanics, A/Solids, 107, art. no. 105378, DOI: 10.1016/j.euromechsol.2024.105378
Daniel, P.M., Främby, J., Fagerström, M., Maimí, P.: A method for modelling arbitrarily shaped delamination fronts with large and distorted elements (2024) Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 306, art. no. 110193, DOI: 10.1016/j.engfracmech.2024.110193
Oddy, C., Song, M.Y., Stewart, C., El Said, B., Ekh, M., Hallett, S.R., Fagerström, M.: Cyclic behaviour of 3D-woven composites in tension: Experimental testing and macroscale modelling (2024) Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 187, art. no. 108354, DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2024.108354
Daniel, P.M., Främby, J., Fagerström, M., Maimí, P.: A method for modelling arbitrarily shaped delamination fronts with large and distorted elements (2024) Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 306, art. no. 110193, DOI: 10.1016/j.engfracmech.2024.110193
Börjesson, E., Verhoosel, C.V., Remmers, J.J.C., Fagerström, M.: Meso-scale modelling of complex fibre composite geometries using an immersed boundary method. (2024) Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 242, art. no. 104262, DOI: 10.1016/j.finel.2024.104262
Oddy, C., Song, M.Y., Stewart, C., El Said, B., Ekh, M., Hallett, S.R., Fagerström, M.: Cyclic behaviour of 3D-woven composites in tension: Experimental testing and macroscale modelling (2024) Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 187, art. no. 108354, DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2024.108354
Daniel, P.M., Främby, J., Fagerström, M., Maimí, P.: A method for modelling arbitrarily shaped delamination fronts with large and distorted elements (2024) Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 306, art. no. 110193, DOI: 10.1016/j.engfracmech.2024.110193
Mårtensson, P., Zenkert, D., Åkermo, M.
Integral or differential design for a cost effective composite automotive body structure
(2014) 16th European Conference on Composite Materials, ECCM 2014.
Mårtensson, P., Zenkert, D., & Åkermo, M. (2014). Integral or differential design for a cost effective automotive body structure. ECCM16 ‐ 16th European Conference on Composite Materials. June, 2014, Seville, Spain.
E. Hryha, A. Weddeling, M. Walter, L. Nyborg, S. Huth, K. Zumsande, S. Weber, W. Theisen: ”Surface Oxide Transformation during HIP of Austenitic Fe-19Mn-18Cr-C-N PM Steel”, Proceedings of 11-th International Conference on Hot Isostatic Pressing, 9-13 June 2014, Stockholm, Sweden, Paper 208, pp.180-193, CPL: 205602. (Oral presentation)
E. Hryha, L. Nyborg, S. Berg, H. Vidarsson: ”Efficiency of Different Carbon Sources during Sintering of Cr-Prealloyed PM Steels: Graphene, Graphite or Carbon Black”, Advances in Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials-2014, Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials, MPIF, May 18-22, Orlando, FL, USA, Vol.5, pp. 16-28, ISBN:978-0-9853397-6-0, CPL:205608. (Oral presentation)
E. Hryha, L. Nyborg: ”Thermodynamic and Kinetic Aspects of Oxide Transformation during Sintering of Cr-alloyed PM Steels”, Advances in Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials-2014, Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials, MPIF, May 18-22, Orlando, FL, USA, Vol.5, pp. 108-122, ISBN:978-0-9853397-6-0, CPL:205606. (Oral presentation).
E. Hryha, L. Nyborg: ”Efficiency and Temperature Ranges of Activity of Different Reducing Agents during Sintering of Cr-Prealloyed PM Steels”, Advances in Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials-2014, Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials, MPIF, May 18-22, Orlando, FL, USA, Vol.5, pp. 163-177, ISBN:978-0-9853397-6-0, CPL:205603. (Oral presentation).
R. Oro, E. Hryha, R. Gilardi, L. Alzati, L. Nyborg: ”Optimization of Carbothermal Reactions for Producing Nanostructured Tungsten Carbide Powders”, EURO PM-2014 Congress&Exhibition, 21-24 September 2014, Salzburg, Austria, Vol., pp. , ISBN: 978-1-899072-45-3, CPL:205769. (Oral presentation)
L. Nyborg, E. Hryha: ”Surface Oxides on Gas and Water Atomized Steel Powders”, Advances in Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials-2014, Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials, MPIF, May 18-22, Orlando, FL, USA, Vol.2, pp. 153-161, ISBN:978-0-9853397-6-0, CPL:205610. (Oral presentation)
C. Gierl-Mayer, H. Danninger, R. Oro Calderon, E. Hryha: ”Internal Gettering” – Metallothermic Reduction Processes in the Early Stage of Sintering”, Advances in Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials-2014, Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials, MPIF, May 18-22, Orlando, FL, USA, Vol.5, pp. 74-85, ISBN:978-0-9853397-6-0, CPL:205607. (Oral presentation).
R. Oro, E. Hryha, L. Nyborg, R. Gilardi, L. Alzati: ”Effective Synthesis of Nanocrystalline Tungsten Carbide Powders by Mechanical and Thermal Activation of Precursors”, Proceedings of the Tungsten Refractory & Hardmaterials Conference IX-2014, May 18–22, 2014, Orlando, FL, USA, Vol.1 – Powder Production, pp. 12-23, ISBN: 978-0-9819496-7-7, CPL:205766. (Oral presentation).
R. Oro, E. Hryha, L. Nyborg, R. Gilardi, L. Alzati: ”Optimizing The Synthesis of Nanostructured Tungsten Carbide Powders by Effective Combination of Carbon Sources and Atmospheres”, Proceedings of the Tungsten Refractory & Hardmaterials Conference IX-2014, May 18–22, 2014, Orlando, FL, USA, Vol.1 – Powder Production, pp.1-11, ISBN: 78-0-9819496-7-7, CPL:205765. (Oral presentation).
R. Gilardi, L. Alzati, R. Oro, E. Hryha, L. Nyborg,: ”The Role of Carbon Source in the Production of WC Powders”, Proceedings of the Tungsten Refractory & Hardmaterials Conference IX-2014, May 18–22, 2014, Orlando, FL, USA, Vol.1 – Powder Production, pp.34-77, ISBN: 78-0-9819496-7-7, CPL:205767. (Oral presentation).
D. Chasoglou, E. Hryha, O. Bergman: ”Efficient Sintering of Cr-Prealloyed Powders by Careful Adjustment of Process Parameters”, Advances in Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials-2014, Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials, MPIF, May 18-22, Orlando, FL, USA, Vol.5, pp. 142-153, ISBN:978-0-9853397-6-0, CPL:205604.
Zenkert D., Jacques E., Lindbergh G. and Leijonmarck S., “Multifunctional Composite Materials using Lithium Functionalisation”, ICCM 20, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2015
Johannisson W., Ihrner N., Zenkert D., Lindbergh G. and Leijonmarck S., “Analysis of Functional Structural Battery”, ICCM 20, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2015
Mårtensson P., Zenkert D. and Åkermo M., ”The Effects of Cost and Weight Efficient Structural Design for Manufacturing of Composite Automotive Body Structures, ICCM 20, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2015
Asp LE, Leijonmarck S, Carlson T, Lindbergh G, “Realisation of structural battery composite materials”, ICCM 20, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2015
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.2029.1922
Leijonmarck S, Pupurs A, Asp LE, Lindbergh G, Varna J, “Strength of thin solid polymer electrolyte coatings and the coated carbon fibres”, ICCM 20, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2015.
Bachinger A, Hellström P, Marklund E, Vyas G, Asp LE, “Materials with variable stiffness”, ICCM 20, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2015.
Molker H, Gutkin R, Asp LE., ”Implementation of failure criteria for orthotropic non crimp fabric composite structures”, COMPOSITES 2015 - 5th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on the Mechanical Response of Composites; Bristol; 7th-9th of September 2015.
Zamani, M., Seifeddine, S. & Jarfors, A. E. W. (2015). High temperature tensile deformation behavior and failure mechanisms of an Al–Si–Cu–Mg cast alloy ‐ The microstructural scale effect. Materials & Design 86, 361‐370.
Mårtensson, P., Zenkert, D., & Åkermo, M. (2015). The effects of cost and weight efficient structural design for manufacturing of composite automotive body structures. 20th International Conference on Composite Materials. July, 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Ekermann, T., & Hallström, S. (2015). Mechanical Characterisation of composites with 3d‐woven reinforcement. 20th International Conference on Composite Materials. July, 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Wilhelmsson, D., Gutkin, R., Edgren, F. et. al. (2015) Numerical analysis of the orthotropic transverse strength of NCF reinforced composites. Texcomp‐12 conference. 2015, Raleigh, NC, USA.
Golling, S., Östlund, R., & Oldenburg, M. (2015). Study on fracture in heat affected zones in the vicinity of spot welds in a steel with tailored material properties. In M. Oldenburg, B. Prakash & K. Steinhoff (Eds.), 5th International Conference Hot Sheet Metal Forming of High‐performance Steel CHS. 1‐3 June, 2015, Toronto, Canada. : Proceedings. Verlag Wissenschaftliche Scripten, Auerbach, pp. 211‐219.
Casellas, D., Lara, A., Molas, S., Gironès, A., Golling, S., & Oldenburg, M. (2015). Fracture resistance of tailor tempered microstructures obtained by different press hardening conditions. in M. Oldenburg, B. Prakash & K. Steinhoff (Eds.), 5th International Conference Hot Sheet Metal Forming of High-performance Steel CHS. 1‐3 June, 2015, Toronto, Canada. : Proceedings. Verlag Wissenschaftliche Scripten, Auerbach, 211‐219.
Molker, H., Gutkin, R., & Asp, L. E. (2015). Implementation of failure criteria for orthotropic non
crimp fabric composite structures. Composites2015 – 5th ECCOMAS thematic conference on the mechanical response of composites. 2015, Bristol, England.
Vorobyev, A., Arnould, O., Laux, D., Longo, R., van Dijk, N. P., & Gamstedt, E. K. (2015). Characterisation of cubic oak specimens from the Vasa ship and recent wood by means of quasi‐static loading and resonance ultrasound spectroscopy (RUS). Holzforschung, 2015.
Brouzoulis, J., Fagerström, M., Främby, J., Krollmann, J., & Hellström, P. Modelling of propagating delaminations in textile reinforced duroplast beams by an enriched shell element formulation. Proceedings of 20th ICCM.
Vuorinen, E., Forouzan, F., Gunasekaran, S., Pineda Huitron, R., & Nilsson, T. (2015). Characterization of the microstructure and mechanical behaviour of laser welded AHSS steel by using Q&P technique in the process. 8th EEIGM conference on Advanced Materials Research. 11-12 June, 2015, Valencia, Spain.
Bjurman M., Thuvander M., Liu F., Efsing P. “Phase separation study of in-service thermally aged cast stainless steel – Atom probe tomography”, 17th International Conference on Environmental Degradation of Materials in Nuclear Power Systems – Water Reactors, 2015.
Brouzoulis J., Fagerström M., Främby J., Krollmann J., Hellström P. “Modelling of propagating delaminations in textile reinforced duroplast beams by an enriched shell element formulation”, 20th International Conference on Composite Materials, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2015.
R. Gilardi, L. Alzati, R. Oro, E. Hryha, L. Nyborg, S. Berg, L. Radicchi: "The Role of Carbon Source in the Production of Ultrafine and Nanocrystalline WC-6Co Cemented Carbides" Proceedings EURO PM2015 Congress & Exhibition, 4-7 October 2015, Reims, France, ISBN: 978-1-899072-47-7, CPL:231333. (Oral presentation)
M. Owe, E. Hryha: "Vacuum Levels Influence on the Properties of Various High Temperature Brazing Alloys”, Proceedings of the International Brazing & Soldering Conference (IBSC), April 19-22, 2015, Long Beach, California,, CPL: 229403. (Oral presentation)
Liu F, Rashidi M, Asp LE, “Initial study of the microstructure of carbon fibres acting as negative electrodes in structural battery composites”, ECCM 17, Munich, Germany, 2016.
Molker H, Gutkin R, Pinho S, Asp LE, “Identifying failure initiation in automotive structures made of NCF reinforced composites for hot spot analysis”, ECCM 17, Munich, Germany, 2016.
Wilhelmsson D, Asp LE, Gutkin R, Edgren F, “Effect of specimen width on strength in off-axis compression tests”, ECCM 17, Munich, Germany, 2016.
Wilhelmsson D, Gutkin R, Edgren F, Asp LE, “Effect of in-plane and out-of-plane waviness on the compressive strength of UD NCF-reinforced composites”, Aerospace Technology Congress 2016, Solna, Sweden, 2016.
Asp L.E., “Novel Multifunctional Carbon Fibre Composites”, 10th Asian-Australasian Conference on Composite Materials, ACCM10, Busan, South Korea, 2016.
Liu F., Rashidi M. and Asp L. “Initial study of the microstructure of carbon fibres acting as negative electrodes in structural battery composites”, 17th European Conference on Composite Materials, Munich, Germany, 2016.
Rashidi M., Lawitzki R., Andrén H.-O., and Liu F., Tantalum and niobium based Z-phase in a Z-phase strengthened 12% Cr steel, EPRI 8th International Conference on Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants, 2016.
Remmers J., Fagerström, Martin., “Strategies for modelling delamination growth using isogeometric continuum shell elements”, 17th European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM17), 2016.
Främby J.; Fagerström M., Brouzoulis J., “Delamination initiation and propagation modelling with an enriched shell element formulation”, 17th European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM17), Venice, Italy, 2016.
Lundbäck, A, Pederson, R, Hörnqvist Colliander, M, Brice, C, Steuwer, A, Heralic, A, Buslaps, T, and Lindgren, L-E
"Modelling and experimental measurements with synchrotron radiation of residual stresses in laser metal deposited Ti-6Al-4V"
Proc of the 13th World Conference on Titanium, Aug 16-20, 2016, San Diego, USA.
Lindgren, L-E
"Challenges in macroscopic modeling of PBF processes"
Workshop on Predictive Theoretical, Computational and Experimental Approaches for Additive Manufacturing (WAM 2016). Oct 17-19, 2016, Dalian, China.
Lindgren, L-E
"Integrated Design of Material, Manufacturing, Product and Performance – IdeoM2P2", (keynote)
1st International Conference on Sustainable materials processing and manufacturing, Jan 23-25 2017, Skukuza, South Africa.
In Procedia Manufacturing, Vol 7, pp. 53-58, 2016.
Lundbäck, A, Lindgren, L-E
"Finite element simulation to support sustainable production of additive manufacturing", Jan 23-25 2017, Skukuza, South Africa.
Procedia Manufacturing, Vol 7, pp. 127-130, 2016.
Azizoglu, Y, Gärdsback, M, Sjöberg, B, Lindgren, L-E
"Finite element modeling of tube deformation during pilgering",
NUMIFORM 2017 in MATEC Web of Conferences, Vol 80, 15004, 2016.
E. Hryha, L. Nyborg:” Surface oxides on metal powders: An overview of the effect of alloy composition and manufacturing method”, Proceedings of the World PM2016, Hamburg, Germany, 9-13 October 2016, ID:131600 (Oral presentation)
E. Hryha, L. Nyborg, S. Berg:” Effect of Different Carbon Sources on the Sintering Behaviour and Mechanical Properties of Alloyed PM Steels: From Graphene to Carbon Black”, Proceedings of the World PM2016, Hamburg, Germany, 9-13 October 2016, ID:131600 (Oral presentation)
A. Leicht, M. Sundaram, Y. Yao, E. Hryha, L. Nyborg, L.E. Rännar, A. Koptioug, K. Frisk, M. Ahlfors: ” As-HIP Microstructure of EBM Fabricated Shell Components”, Proceedings of the World PM2016, Hamburg, Germany, 9-13 October 2016, ID:131600. (Oral presentation)
J. Wendel, R. Shvab, S. Karamchedu, E. Hryha, L. Nyborg, D. Riabov, S. Berg: ” Effect of powder processing on the sintering mechanisms of carbonyl and water-atomized iron powders”, Proceedings of the World PM2016, Hamburg, Germany, 9-13 October 2016, ID:131600. (Oral presentation)
R. Shvab, A. Leicht, E. Hryha, L. Nyborg: ”Characterization of the Virgin and Recycled Nickel Alloy HX Powder Used for Selective Laser Melting”, Proceedings of the World PM2016, Hamburg, Germany, 9-13 October 2016, ID:131600. (Oral presentation)
R. Shvab, E. Hryha, A.M. Tahir, L. Nyborg: ” Surface Characterization of 60Cu40Sn Bronze Powder”, Proceedings of the World PM2016, Hamburg, Germany, 9-13 October 2016, ID:131600. (Oral presentation)
R. Shvab, E. Hryha, D. Chasoglou, O. Bergman, L. Nyborg: ”Influence of Cr Alloying Content on the Surface Oxide Composition in Case of Water-atomized Steel Powder”, Proceedings of the World PM2016, Hamburg, Germany, 9-13 October 2016, ID:131600. (Oral presentation)
M. Vattur Sundaram, S. Karamchedu, C. Gouhier, E. Hryha, L. Nyborg: ”Vacuum sintering studies on chromium alloyed PM steels”, Proceedings of the World PM2016, Hamburg, Germany, 9-13 October 2016, ID:131600. (Oral presentation)
H. Magnusson, K. Frisk, M. Vattur Sundaram, E. Hryha, C. Åslund, B.-O. Bengtsson, M. Ahlfors, and S. Wiberg: ”Reaching full density of 100Cr6 PM steel by capsule free hot isostatic pressing of high-velocity compacted material”, Proceedings of the World PM2016, Hamburg, Germany, 9-13 October 2016, ID:131600. (Oral presentation)
K. Frisk, L.-E. Rännar, A. Koptioug, N. Petterson, D. Persson, A. Leicht, M. Vattur Sundaram, E. Hryha, L. Nyborg, and M. Ahlfors: ”Characterisation of EBM-built Shelled Samples of Ti6Al4V Compacted by HIP”, Proceedings of the World PM2016, Hamburg, Germany, 9-13 October 2016, ID: 131600. (Oral presentation)
S. Karamchedu, E. Hryha, L. Nyborg: ”Effect of Active Constituents in the Atmosphere on the Sintering of Chromium-alloyed PM Steels”, Proceedings of the World PM2016, Hamburg, Germany, 9-13 October 2016, ID:131600. (Oral presentation)
A. Leicht, R. Shvab, E. Hryha, L. Nyborg, L.E. Rännar: ”Characterization of virgin and recycled 316L powder used in additive manufacturing”, Proceedings of the 7th Swedish Production Symposium, Lund, Sweden, 25-27 October 2016. (Oral presentation)
E. Åström, E. Hryha, J. Björkvall: „Vanadium in Iron Ore, a Possibility or a Problem, a New Method to Acheieve a Solutionacuum Levels Influence on the Properties of Various High Temperature Brazing Alloys”, Proceedings of the ISCANMET V-5th International Conference on Process Development in Iron and Steelmaking, 12-15 June 2016, Luleå, Sweden, ISBN 978-91-639-1233-7 (Electronic proceedings) (Oral presentation)
Wilhelmsson D, Asp LE, Gutkin R, Edgren F,” Fibre waviness induced bending in compression tests of unidirectional NCF composites”, 21st International Conference on Composite Materials, ICCM-21, X’ian, China, 2017.
Tuzi S., Göransson K., Thuvander M., Liu F., Stiller K., ”On the effect of preoxidation of nickel alloy X-750”, 18th International Conference on Environmental Degradation of Materials in Nuclear Power Systems ¬– Water Reactors, 2017.
Fedorova I., Grumsen F. B., Liu F., Hald J., “On the non-equilibrium segregation of Boron in 9-12%Cr steels”, 4th International ECCC Creep & Fracture Conference, Düsseldorf, Germany, 2017.
Danielsen H. K., Liu F. ”Role of copper on Laves phase morphology in 9-12%Cr steels”
International Symposium on Materials Science, Riso, Denmark, 2017.
IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 219, 012015
Främby J., Fagerström M., Brouzoulis J. “Modelling of progressive matrix cracking induced delaminations using an enriched shell element formulation”, 21st International Conference on Composite Materials, Xian, China, 2017.
Fagerström M., Remmers J.J.C “Adaptive Modelling of delamination growth using isogeometric continuum shell elements”, 21st International Conference on Composite Materials, Xian, China, 2017.
Pourbahaaddini E., Simonsson P., Fagerström M., Gutkin R. “A comparative study on smeared and XFEM modelling of transverse compressive ply failure”, 6th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on the Mechanical Response of Composites, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 2017.
Azizoglu, Y, Gärdsback, M, Sjöberg, B, Lindgren, L-E
"Finite element analysis of cold pilgering using elastic roll dies"
ICTP 2017, Procedia Engineering, 2017, Vol 207, pp. 2370-2375.
E. Hryha, R. Shvab, H. Gruber, A. Leicht, L. Nyborg:” Surface oxide state on metal powder and its changes during additive manufacturing: An overview”, Proceedings of the EuroPM2017, Milano, Italy, 1-4 October 2017, ID:140833 (Oral presentation)
C. Pauzon, E. Hryha, P. Forêt, L. Nyborg: “Effect of argon and nitrogen atmospheres on the properties of the as-built 316L stainless steel components by Laser Sintering”, Proceedings of the EuroPM2017, Milano, Italy, 1-4 October 2017, ID:140833 (Oral presentation)
Carlstedt D., Johannisson W., Zenkert D., Linde P. and Asp L.E., “Conceptual Design Framework for Laminated Structural Battery Composites”, ECCM 18, Athens, Greece, 24-28th June, 2018.
Oddy C, Blomstrand E, Johansson D, Karlsson N, Olofsson N, Steen P, Fagerström M, Asp LE, McVeagh J, Brown M, Finnsgård C, “Composite design for a foiling optimist dinghy”, In Proc. ISEA2018, Brisbane, Australia, March 2018.
Blinzler B, Wilhelmsson D, Asp LE, Jespersen KM, Mikkelsen LP, “A systematic approach to transforming composite 3D images into meso-scale computational models”, 18th European Conference on Composite Materials, ECCM18, Athens, Greece, June 2018.
Molker H, Gutkin R, Asp LE, “Verification of hot-spot in complex composite structures using detailed FEA”, 18th European Conference on Composite Materials, ECCM18, Athens, Greece, June 2018.
Bru T, Asp LE, Olsson R, Vyas G, “BIAXIAL TRANSVERSE COMPRESSION TESTING FOR A FIBRE REINFORCED POLYMER MATERIAL”, 18th European Conference on Composite Materials, ECCM18, Athens, Greece, June 2018.
Asp LE, Carlstedt D, Duan S, Liu F, “Characterisation of composite constituents for structural battery modelling”, 11th Asian-Australasian Conference on Composite Materials, ACCM-11, Cairns, Australia, July, 2018.
Wilhelmsson D, Edgren F, Gutkin R, Asp LE, “The transition from out-of-plane to in-plane kinking due to off-axis loading”, presented at the 18th European conference of composite materials (ECCM18), Athens, Greece, June 2018.
Oddy C., Ekermann T., Ekh M., Fagerström M., Hallström S., Stig, F. “EVALUATION OF DAMAGE INITIATION MODELS FOR 3D-WOVEN FIBRE COMPOSITES”, 18th European Conference on Composite Materials, Athens, Greece, 2018.
Costa S., Fagerström M., Gutkin R., Olsson, R. “VALIDATION AND IMPROVEMENTS OF A MESOSCALE FINITE ELEMENT CONSTITUTIVE MODEL FOR FIBRE KINKING GROWTH”, 18th European Conference on Composite Materials, Athens, Greece, 2018.
Azizoglu, Y, Gärdsback, M, Akinori, Y, Kuwabara, T, Lindgren, L-E
"Work hardening during alternating load directions of 316L stainless steel"
Metal Forming 2018
Lindgren, L-E and Lundbäck, A
"Additive manufacturing of high performance applications" Pro-AM 2018, 14-17 May 2018, Singapore. 10.25341/D4JC76
E. Hryha, H. Gruber, M. Henriksson, L. Nyborg: ” Changes in Metal Powder Surface Chemistry during Powder Bed Fusion Processing: an Overview”, Proc. World PM2018, pp.1708-1715, 16-20 September 2018, Beijing, China (Invited presentation)
E. Hryha, M.V. Sundaram, A. Weddeling, M. Bram, D. Chasoglou, L. Nyborg: Hot Isostatic Pressing of the Water Atomized Steel Powder: Possibilities and Challenges”, Proc. World PM2018, pp.286-291, 16-20 September 2018, Beijing, China (Invited presentation)
C. Pauzon, P. Forêt, E. Hryha, T. Arunprasad: “Effect of Helium - Argon Mixtures as Laser - Powder Bed Fusion Processing Atmospheres on the Properties of the Built Ti-6Al-4V Parts”, Proc. World PM2018, pp.1633-1639, 16-20 September 2018, Beijing, China (Oral presentation)
C. Pauzon, P. Forêt, E. Hryha, T. Arunprasad: “Effect of the Residual Oxygen Content in the Processing Atmosphere on the Properties of Stainless Steel 316L Built by Laser - Powder Bed Fusion”, Proc. World PM2018, pp.1640-1649, 16-20 September 2018, Beijing, China (Oral presentation)
J. Wendel, S.K. Manchili, Y. Cao, E. Hryha, L. Nyborg: “Oxide reduction and oxygen removal in water-atomized iron powder and its influence on sintering”, Proc. World PM2018, pp.1640-1649, 16-20 September 2018, Beijing, China (Oral presentation)
M.V. Sundaram, E. Hryha, L. Nyborg: “Approaches to Reach Fully Dense Powder Metallurgical Materials”, Proc. World PM2018, pp.1640-1649, 16-20 September 2018, Beijing, China (Oral presentation)
S.K. Manchili, J. Wendel, E. Hryha, L. Nyborg: “Influence of Iron Nanopowder Addition on Sintering of Water Atomized Iron Powder”, Proc. World PM2018, pp.209-514, 16-20 September
F. Ashish, M. Tsigkari, J. Olsson, M. Ander, C. Williams, E. Hryha: “Form Finding Nodal Connections in Grid Structures”, International association for shell and spatial structures Boston, USA, 16-20 July, 2018. (Oral presentation)
S. Parizia, G. Marchese, M Rashidi, G. Basile, S. Biamino, D. Manfredi, E. Hryha: ” High temperature oxidation behavior of DMLs produced inconel 625”, Proceedings of the EuroPM2018, Bilbao, Spain, 14-18 October 2018, ID:156875 (Oral presentation)
M.V. Sundaram, K.B. Surredi, E. Hryha, A. Veiga, S. Berg, F. Castro, L. Nyborg: ” Full densification in PM steels through liquid phase sintering and HIP approach” Proceedings of the EuroPM2018, Bilbao, Spain, 14-18 October 2018, ID:156875 (Oral presentation)
Liu F, Duan S and Asp LE “Specimen preparation for transverse modulus measurement of carbon FIBREs using focused ion beam”, ICCM22, Melbourne, Australia, 2019.
Duan S, Liu F, Pettersson T, Creighton C, Asp LE “Transverse modulus measurement of carbon fibre by Atomic force microscope and nanoindentation”, ICCM22, Melbourne, Australia, 2019.
Carlstedt D, Xu J. Runesson K, Larsson F, Asp LE, “Unit cells for Multiphysics modelling of structural battery composites”, ICCM22, Melbourne, Australia, 2019.
Molker H, Gutkin R, Asp LE, “Framework for durability analysis of composite structures in the automotive industry”, ICCM22, Melbourne, Australia, 2019.
Wilhelmsson D, Talreja R, Gutkin R, Asp LE, “Towards a Novel Defect Severity Model for Compressive Failure Analysis of Unidirectional Composites”, ASC34, Atlanta, GA, USA, 2019.
Duan S, Liu F, Pettersson T, Creighton C, Asp LE, “Transverse modulus measurement of carbon fibre by atomic force microscope and nanoindentation”, ICCM22, August 2019, Melbourne, Australia
Liu F, Duan S, Asp LE, “Specimen preparation for transverse modulus measurement of carbon fibres using focused ion beam”, ICCM22, August 2019, Melbourne, Australia.
Carlstedt D, Xu J, Runesson K, Larsson F, Asp LE, “Unit cells for multiphysics modelling of structural battery composites”, ICCM22, August 2019, Melbourne, Australia.
Molker H, Gutkin R, Asp LE, “Framework for durability analysis of composite structures in the automotive industry” ICCM22, August 2019, Melbourne, Australia.
Wilhelmsson D, Talreja R, Gutkin R, Asp LE, “Towards a Novel Defect Severity Model for Compressive Failure Analysis of Unidirectional Composites”, ASC2019, American Society for Composites, September 2019, Atlanta, GA, USA.
Alves M, Carlstedt D, Pimenta S, Asp LE, Ohlsson F, “Ultra-thin and stiff randomly-oriented discontinuous composites”, ASC2019, American Society for Composites, September 2019, Atlanta, GA, USA.
Zenkert D., Lindbergh G. and Johansson M., “Carbon fibre composites as batteries, sensors, actuators and for energy harvesting”, ICCM22, Melbourne, Australia, August 2019.
Johannisson W., Zackrisson M., Jönsson C., Zenkert D., and Lindbergh G., ”Modelling and Design of structural batteries with life cycle assessment”, ICCM22, Melbourne, Australia, August 2019.
Schneider L.M., Ihrner N., Zenkert D. and Johansson M., ”Manufacturing techniques and mechanical Properties of Structural batteries after Prolonged Electrochemical Performance”, ICCM22, Melbourne, Australia, August 2019.
Duan S., Liu F., Pettersson T., Creighton C. and Asp L. E. “Transverse modulus measurement of carbon fibre by atomic force microscope and nanoindentation”, The 22nd International Conference on Composites Materials (ICCM22), 2019, Melbourne, Australia.
Liu F., Duan S., Asp L. E., ” Specimen preparation for transverse modulus measurement of carbon fibres using focused ion beam”, The 22nd International Conference on Composites Materials (ICCM22), 2019, Melbourne, Australia.
Bouton K., Zenkert D. and Lindbergh G., “Structural positive electrodes for multifunctional composite materials”, ICCM22, Melbourne, Australia, August 2019.
Johannisson W., Harnden R, Geiger K., Zenkert D., Lindbergh G., ”Morphing carbon fibre composites using electrochemical actuation”, ICCM22, Melbourne, Australia, August 2019.
Alnersson G, Lundström TS, and Ljung A-L. ”Numerical study of the 3d-flow characteristics during compression moulding of smc”, ICCM22, Melbourne, Australia, 2019.
Främby J., Fagerström M., Karlsson J. “AN ADAPTIVE METHODOLOGY FOR EFFICIENT MODELLING OF ARBITRARY DELAMINATIONS DURING CRASH SIMULATIONS”, 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials, Melbourne, Australia, 2019.
Oddy C., Ekh M., Fagerström M. “Predicting Non-Linear Shear Deformation in 3D Fibre-Reinforced Composites”, 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials, Melbourne, Australia, 2019.
Mirkhalaf M., Eggels E.H., Anantharanga A.T., Larsson F, Fagerström, M. “SHORT FIBER COMPOSITES: COMPUTATIONAL HOMOGENIZATION VS ORIENTATION AVERAGING”, 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials, Melbourne, Australia, 2019.
Lindgren, L-E, Lundbäck, A, Fisk, M, Draxler, J
"Modelling additive manufacturing of superalloys",
2nd International Conference on Sustainable materials processing and manufacturing, March 8-10 2019, Sun City, South Africa.
W. Hearn, E. Hryha, S. Bengtsson, L. Nyborg: ” Processability& Microstructure of Fe-C System via L-PBF”, Proceedings of the EuroPM2019, Maastrich, Netherlands, 13-16 October 2019. (Oral presentation)
C. Pauzon, , E. Hryha, S. Bengtsson, L. Nyborg: Thermally Induced Porosity within HIPed Ti64 Parts: Effect of Entrapped Argon versus Helium in L-PBF”, Proceedings of the EuroPM2019, Maastrich, Netherlands, 13-16 October 2019, ID: 4339587 (Oral presentation)
A.S. Shaikh, E. Hryha, K. Minet-Lillemand: ”On The Additive Manufacturing Of Inconel 939 -- Analysis Of Microstructure And Re-development Of Heat Treatment”, EuroPM2020, Lissbon, Portugal/digital, 5-7 October 2020. (Oral presentation)
Auenhammer R, Mikkelsen LP, Asp LE, Blinzler B. "X-ray tomography based numerical analysis of stress concentrations in non-crimp fabric reinforced composites - assessment of segmentation methods". 41st Risø International Symposium on Materials Science. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering Vol. 942 (2020) 012038. IOP Publishing.
Hermansson F, Berg I, Sandberg K, Asp LE, Janssen M, Svanström M. The environmental benefits and challenges of a composite car with structural battery materials. Resource Efficient Vehicles Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden, 14 – 16 June 2021.
R. Steinlechner, W. Hearn, E. Hryha: "LB-PBF processing limits for Cr-Mn-Mo low alloy structural steels", Proceedings of the Metal Additive Manufacturing Conference 2021
Artificial intelligence-enabled microscopy for energy storage materials, Funding agency: Chalmers Area of Advance Energy. Duration: 2022-2024. Budget: 2 400 kSEK. LIGHTer Academy participants: Liu F and Asp LE.
C., Topalidis I., El Said B., Ekh M., Hallett S. and Fagerström M., "CALIBRATING MACROSCALE MODELS OF 3D-WOVEN COMPOSITES: COMPLEMENTING EXPERIMENTAL TESTING WITH HIGH FIDELITY MESOSCALE MODELS", Proceedings of the 20th European Conference on Composite Materials, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2022
R. Steinlechner, W. Hearn, E. Hryha: LB-PBF processing limits for Cr-Mn-Mo low alloy structural steels, MAMC 2021, Proceedings of the Metal Additive Manufacturing Conference 2021
Xu J, Asp LE, Henriksson-Briggs K, Enelund M, TRACKS-course in sustainable transportation – towards realization of structural batteries. 18th International CDIO Conference, June 13-15, 2022, Reykjavik, Iceland.
Johansen M, Xu J, Tam PL, Asp LE, Liu F, Effect of lithium insertion on the mechanical properties of single carbon fibres for multifunctional composites. 20th European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM20), June 26-30, 2022, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Xu J, Xia Z, Sanchez JS, Johansen M, Liu F, Asp LE, Coating of LFP/Graphene oxide on Carbon Fibres as Positive Electrodes for Structural Batteries, 20th European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM20), June 26-30, 2022, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Duan S, Lindelöw F, Li Z, Mao Z, Liu Y, Xu J, Carlstedt D, Johansen M, Asp LE, Building and characterization of symmetric structural battery, 20th European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM20), June 26-30, 2022, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Hermansson F, Xu J, Asp LE, Janssen M, Svanström M, Edgren F, Structural batteries in electric road vehicles – when is it a good idea? Sustainable Composites Conference, Virtual CU MixUp.World, Nov. 11th, 2022.
Alnersson G., Aitomäki Y., Ljung A.-L., Lundström S., "3D FLOW AND FIBRE ORIENTATION MODELLING OF COMPRESSION MOULDING OF A-SMC: SIMULATION AND VALIDATION IN SQUEEZE FLOW", in Proceedings of the 20th European Conference on Composite Materials, ECCM20. 26-30 June, 2022, Lausanne, Switzerland
Oddy C., Topalidis I., El Said B., Ekh M., Hallett S., Fagerström M., “Calibrating macroscale models of 3D-woven composites complementing experimental testing with high fidelity mesoscale models", Proceedings of the 20th European Conference on Composite Materials ECCM20. 26-30 June, 2022, Lausanne, Switzerland
Marcus Johansen, Johanna Xu, Pui Lam, Leif E. Asp, Fang Liu, Effect of lithium insertion on mechanical properties of individual commercial PAN carbon fibres for multifunctional composites, The 20th European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM20) will be held in Lausanne, Switzerland, June 26-30, 2022.
Johanna Xu, Zhenyuan Xia,, Jaime S. Sanchez, Marcus Johansen, Fang Liu, Leif E. Asp, --Coating of LFP/Graphene oxide on Carbon Fibres as Positive Electrodes for Structural Batteries, The 20th European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM20) will be held in Lausanne, Switzerland, June 26-30, 2022.
Golling, S. (2014). Prediction of hardening, localization and fracture of multiphase microstructure in boron alloyed steel (Licentiate thesis). Luleå University of Technology, Luleå, Sweden.